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dc.contributor.authorПетришин, Г. П.-
dc.contributor.authorPetryshyn, H.-
dc.identifier.citationПетришин Г. П. Випуcкники Львівської школи урбаністики у європейському контексті ХХ століття / Г. П. Петришин // Вісник Національного університету «Львівська політехніка». Серія: Архітектура. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2017. — № 878. — С. 149–159.-
dc.description.abstractУрбаністична школа Львова, яка сформувалася після Першої світової війни, характеризувалася проекологічним спрямуванням, запроваджувала регуляційні плани міст та сприяла метрополійному розвитку великих міст. Вишколене у Львівській політехніці гроно відомих урбаністів взяло участь у створенні нового міського ландшафту Польщі після Другої світової війни, а професори перенесли дидактичні традиції до новостворених політехнік у Вроцлаві, Глівіцах, Щецині, Гданську.-
dc.description.abstractUrban school of Lviv, formed after World War I, was ecologically oriented. Also it introduced regulatory plans of cities and contributed to the metropolis development of large cities. The group of known urbanists, trained at Lviv Polytechnic, took part in creating a new urban landscape of Poland after World War II. And the professors of Lviv Polytechnic took its didactic traditions to newly appeared Polytechnics in Wroclaw, Gliwice, Szczecin and Gdansk. The students of Lviv Polytechnic were also destined to become the pioneers of destroyed post-war cities reconstruction, to lead the project institutions and to establish the modernistic urban school of postwar Poland. In Lviv Polytechnic the first lecture courses of Urban Studies were taught by Ignacy Drexler (1878–1930) at the newly created, in 1913, Department of Urban Planning. It was the first suchlike department of that time at the territory of Poland. His graduates mention that the understanding of both: the functional and spatial city structure identifying and improving importance came during the Drexler’s lectures. The article deals with the organizational, architectural and urban activities of the following notable figures and the evaluation of their creative heritage: – professor Stanisław Filipkowski (1896–1964), head of the urban planning department at Lviv Polytechnic in 1936–39 gg. started the urban planning functionalistic direction in Poland. After the Second World War he was the Chair of the urban planning department at the University of London, replacing Sir Patrick Abercrombie who was known by his ideas of London’s postwar reorganization. After his return to Poland in 1950 he organized the Faculty of Architecture at the School of Engineering in Poznań. 1912, the graduate of the Paris urban school in 1925, the most famous architect-constructivist of interwar Lviv, the head of the urban planning department at Lviv Polytechnic in 1939–1941. After the eviction from the Lviv city in 1945 he was the first dean of the Faculty of Architecture at Wroclaw University. – Roman Feliński, visionary urbanist, (1886–1965). He studied at the Lviv Polytechnic and at the Royal Bavarian high school in Munich. He started his career in Lviv, where he carried out numerous reconstruction plans and regulation of the cities after World War I and participated in the development of the Lviv city. In 1916 he published the first polish urban planning textbook. After World War II he was working in lower Silesia, primarily in Wroclaw on the cities rebuilding. – Professor Zygmunt Jan Novák (1897–1972) – after the architectural studios in Lviv and in Vienna created the foundation of a new school – the Institute of Landscape Architecture at the Cracow University of Technology. – Professor Władysław Czarnecki (1885–1983), a graduate of Lviv Polytechnic in 1923, the architect-urbanist and scholar-didactic, the professor of the University of London (1946), linked his fate with postwar reconstruction of Poznan and Wroclaw. The author of the ecological urban development concepts – Professor Tadeusz Teodorowicz- Todorowki (1907–2001), a graduate of the Lviv Polytechnic in 1931, after World War I, was among the founders of architectural school at the Silesian University in Gliwice, in 1956 he headed the department of urban and settlements planning. – Professor Piotr Zaremba (1910–1993), engineer, architect-urbanist, specialist of spatial planning graduated Lviv Polytechnic in 1934. The first polish president of Szczecin city (1945–1950), professor, organizer and rector of the Szczecin Polytechnic. – ProfessorStéphane du Château (1908–1999), a student at Lviv Polytechnic, architect, urbanist, spatial structures designer. In 1967 became a professor at the Paris École des Beaux-Arts, where he lectured on modern architecture. His architectural and design ideas were often innovative. He was a winner of numerous state awards of France, Canada, Poland. – Professor Stanisław Juchnowicz (b. 1923), a student of Lviv Polytechnic, started his career with the reconstruction of the Gdansk Old Town. From 1950 worked in the collective of authors on the largescale implementation of Nova Huta in Krakow, based on the renaissance ideal city models and ideas of the garden city. He was vice director of the Institute of the Urban and Spatial Planning (1979–1991) and dean of the Faculty of Architecture at the Krakow University of Technology (1984–1987). He was the initiator of the creative relations restore with Lviv Polytechnic.-
dc.publisherВидавництво Львівської політехніки-
dc.relation.ispartofВісник Національного університету «Львівська політехніка». Серія: Архітектура, 878, 2017-
dc.subjectЛьвівська політехніка-
dc.subjectміський ландшафт-
dc.subjectпіслявоєнна відбудова міст-
dc.subjectурбаністичні концепції-
dc.subjectLviv Polytechnic-
dc.subjecturban planning-
dc.subjecturban landscape-
dc.subjectpost-war reconstruction of cities-
dc.subjecturban concepts-
dc.titleВипукники Львівської школи урбаністики у європейському контексті ХХ століття-
dc.title.alternativeThe graduates of Lviv urban school in the European context of 20th century-
dc.rights.holder© Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2017-
dc.rights.holder© Петришин Г. П., 2017-
dc.contributor.affiliationНаціональний університет “Львівська політехніка”-
dc.contributor.affiliationLviv Polytechnic National University-
dc.identifier.citationenPetryshyn H. The graduates of Lviv urban school in the European context of 20th century / H. Petryshyn // Visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu "Lvivska politekhnika". Serie: Arkhitektura. — Lviv : Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2017. — No 878. — P. 149–159.-
dc.relation.references1. Петришин Г. П. До століття містобудівної освіти у Львівській політехніці / Г. П. Петришин., Б. С. Посацький, Ю. І. Криворучко, І. В. Русанова, Т. М. Максимюк, С. В. Ганець, Я. О. Онуфрів; за заг. ред. Г. П. Петришин. – Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013.-
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dc.relation.referencesen7. Petryshyn H.P. Do stolittia mistobudivnoi osvity u Lvivskii politekhnitsi…-
dc.relation.referencesen8. Czarnecki W. Wspomnienia architekta, t. 2, 1931– 1939, Poznań 2006, S. 9–10.-
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dc.relation.referencesen13. Ibidem.-
dc.relation.referencesen14. Paprocki A. Konkurs na project regulacji i zabudowy m. Poznania. Na marginesie konkursu., P. 1–8.-
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dc.relation.referencesen19. Lewicki J. Roman Feliński – architekt i urbanista, pioner nowoczesnej architektury, Warszawa: Neriton, 2007.-
dc.relation.referencesen21. Gdynia: urodziny ikony polskiego modernizmu. source: /
dc.relation.referencesen22. Lewicki J. Roman Feliński ....-
dc.relation.referencesen24. Mapa ochrony przyrody na terenie województwa wielkopolskiego Natura 2000, skala 1:270 000, Poznań, Warszawa: 2010.-
dc.relation.referencesen25. Czarnecki W. Planowanie miast i osiedli. Czesc I-V. Skrypty dla szkol wyzszych, Poznan, PWN, 1957.-
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dc.relation.referencesen28. Izba Archtektow Polskich SARP. In Memoriam. Pamieci Architektow Polskich. source:, 5456.-
dc.relation.referencesen29. Międzynarodowy Kongres Polskich Architektów Krajobrazu "Sztuka Ochrony i Kształtowania Środowiska" Zawód – Teoria – Nauczanie. Kraków, 20–22 września 2007 r.,
dc.relation.referencesen30. Luczynska-Bruzda M., Bruzda J. Zygmunt Novak (1897–1972) zalozyciel krakowskiej szkoly architektury krajobrazu. –P. 94–105.-
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dc.relation.referencesen34. Tam samo.-
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dc.relation.referencesen39. Stephane_du_Chateau. source: wiki/Stephane_du_Chateau.-
dc.relation.referencesen40. Petryshyn H. P. Do stolittia mistobudivnoi osvity u Lvivskii politekhnitsi …-
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dc.citation.journalTitleВісник Національного університету «Львівська політехніка». Серія: Архітектура-
Appears in Collections:Архітектура. – 2017. – №878

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