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Title: Містобудівні та адміністративні проблеми паркування у центральній частині Львова
Other Titles: Planning and administrative parking problems in the central part of Lviv
Authors: Тупісь, С. П.
Любицький, Р. І.
Affiliation: Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Тупісь С. П. І. Містобудівні та адміністративні проблеми паркування у центральній частині Львова / С. П. Тупісь, Р. І. Любицький // Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка". Серія: Архітектура. – 2016. – № 856. – С. 145–154. – Бібліографія: 15 назв.
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Country (code): UA
Place of the edition/event: Львів
UDC: 711.4
Keywords: паркінги
управління паркінгами
проблеми паркування
центральна частина Львова
історичне місто
parking management
parking problems
central part of Lviv
historical city
Number of pages: 145–154
Abstract: На основі натурних досліджень паркування у центральній частині Львова були виділені основні проблеми, серед яких – відсутність правил і умов на більшості опрацьованої території, стоянки автомобілів “під знаками”, нераціональна планувальна організація паркомісць, стихійне паркування на тротуарах та відсутність належного контролю за дотриманням паркувальних правил. Наголошується на тому, що проблеми паркінгів спричиняються планувальними недоліками та недосконалим управлінням. At first sight, the amount of parking lots in the central part of Lviv does not meet the demand, that is why most of drivers argue that it is necessary to build more parkings. Researching deeper, it becomes clear that the problem is not only in the parking amount. The disordered parkings lead to the transport and pedestrian traffic complication and sometimes even full collapse. The absence of terms and conditions at most “unofficial” on-street parkings often forces car drivers to circle in the search of the free unoccupied parking lot, creating transport network overloading. The amount of car owners in Ukraine is 220 motor vehicles per 1000 inhabitants in comparing to 580 in Poland or 588 in Germany, but it is obvious that parking problems in Lviv, especially in the central part, is more urgent. These problems consist of the lack of parking management and deficient planning organization. Car is not the only transport possibility in the city – public transport, bicycle and walking are always available for everyday needs. Historic European cities realized that without balanced use of different transport types it is impossible to achieve the sustainable development. Hence, in the cities with welldeveloped and convenient transport infrastructure, using car is the “expensive pleasure”. In order to create the parking network, it is necessary for the city to have the developed street and road network. Because of the incompleteness of Lviv’s ring roads, the traffic is forced to cross the central part of the city. It is important to complete these ring roads in order to create the parking zones and parkand-ride facilities, giving the possibility to regulate parking in the central part of Lviv. The main parking type in the central part of Lviv is on-street parking. These parkings, often chaotically, are present at almost all of streets. Only few off-street parking facilities are available. During site examination, authors decided to separate existent on-street parking into 4 groups: 1. Determined parkings zones – official free and pay parkings, lots for disabled and workers/visitors; 2. Unprohibited parking places – free parkings that don’t obstruct traffic and aren’t banned by road signs “no parking” or “no stopping”; 3. Prohibited parking places – parkings under the road signs “no parking” or “no stopping”; 4. Disordered parking places – parkings on sidewalks or lawns. Additionally, the on-street parking projects, provided by Lviv city council, were analyzed. It was found, that the half of the proposed parkings for the central part of the city were free. Authors counted the potential income that city loses. Due to the large number of unplanned and disordered parkings, in the central part of Lviv arise such problems as blocking (or complication) of traffic, “double parking”, parking on sidewalks and lawns, parkings near crossroads and pedestrian crossings, dangers of pedestrians and cyclists. Any parking system cannot work without constant control of the parking rules violation. In Lviv, the police is responsible for this, but European experience shows the necessity of separate controlling service creation which will have the permit of fines issuing, even without presence of driver. Inevitability of the fine payment has to be ensured. The parking problem solution needs the integration of the planning and administrative efforts in order to develop the complex parking network of Lviv. Besides, defining of the Lviv’s central part role in the parking network is necessary and every street has to be analyzed for the possibility of “legal” parkings creation.
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Content type: Article
Appears in Collections:Архітектура. – 2016. – №856

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