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Title: Lines of further research of electromagnetic processes in transformers under the influence of network overvoltage
Authors: Nykonets, Alex
Affiliation: Lviv Polytechnic National University
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Nykonets A. Lines of further research of electromagnetic processes in transformers under the influence of network overvoltage / Alex Nykonets // Litteris et Artibus : proceedings of the 6th International youth science forum, November 24–26, 2016, Lviv, Ukraine / Lviv Polytechnic National University. – Lviv : Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2016. – P. 193–194. – Bibliography: 8 titles.
Conference/Event: Litteris et Artibus
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House
Country (code): UA
Place of the edition/event: Lviv
Keywords: transformer
internal resonance
frequency characteristics
Number of pages: 193-194
Abstract: The lines of further research that will ensure an adequate reproduction of the internal resonance phenomena in the windings when a transformer is affected by the overvoltage of network.
References (International): [1] I.R. Buchkovs'kij, M.M. Molnar, A.L. Nikonec, L.A. Nikonec and M.B. Sabat “Fizicheskie yavleniya vnutrennego rezonansa v elektrooborudovanii s obmotkami vysokogo napryazheniya”, [“Physical phenomenon of internal resonance in electrical equipment with high voltage windings”], Ed. by L.A. Nikonets, Lviv, Ukrainian technologies Publ., 2012. 167 p. [2] M.B. Sabat, A.L. Nykonets, V.P. Venger and V.P. Venger, “Elektromagnitnye protsessy i usloviya vozniknoveniya rezonansnykh perenapryazheniy v obmotkakh transformatora”, [“Electromagnetic processes and conditions of appearance of resonance overvoltage in transformer windings”], Izvestija Tomskogo politehnicheskogo universiteta – Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University, Vol. 325(4), pp.91-102, 2014. [3] L.A. Nykonets, I.R. Buchkovsky, R.V. Buchkovsky, V.P. Venger, V.P. Venger, A.L. Nykonets and M.B. Sabat, “Raspredeleniye vozdeystvuyushchikh na transformator napryazheniy vdol obmotki VN”, [“Distribution of the voltages applied to a transformer along the windings BH”], Elektricheskie stantsii – Electric Power Station, Vol. 2, p.51-56, 2014. [4] A.L. Nykonets, V.P. Venger and V.P. Venger, “Elektromagnitnye protsessy v obmotkakh transfor-matora pri deystvii na nego perenapryazheniy”, [“Electromagnetic processes in transformer windings when exposed to overvoltage”], Elektricheskie stantsii – Electric Power Station, Vol. 12, pp.18-26, 2014. [5] E.Yu. Gushchin and A.L. Nykonets, “Metodolohiia doslidzhennia elektromahnitnykh protsesiv v transformatorakh pry vplyvi perenapruhy”, [“Methodology of the studies of electromagnetic processes in transformers when exposed to overvoltage”], Novyny enerhetyky – News of Energy, Vol. 12, 2014. [6] L.A. Nykonets, A.L. Nykonets and V.P. Venger, “Modelirovanie elektromagnitnykh protsessov v obmotkakh transformatorov pri deystvii na nikh perenapryazheniy seti”, [“Modeling of electro-magnetic processes in transformer windings influenced by network over voltage”], Izvestija Tomskogo politehnicheskogo universiteta – Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University, vol. 326(4), pp.125-137, 2015. [7] L.A. Nykonets, A.L. Nykonets and V.P. Venger, “Metody issledovaniya elektromagnitnykh protsessov v obmotkakh transformatorov pri deystvii na nikh perenapryazheniy so storony seti”, [“Research methods of electromagnetic processes in transformer windings influenced by power system overvoltage”], Izvestija Tomskogo politehnicheskogo universiteta – Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University, Vol. 326(3), pp.86-98, 2015. [8] 8. A.L. Nykonets, V.P. Venger and V.P. Venger, “Jelektromagnitnye processy v obmotkah transfor-matora setis izolirovannoj nejtral'ju pri odnofaznom zamykanii na «zemlju»”, [“Electromagnetic processes in the windings of a transformer of the mains with isolated neutral in single line-to-earth fault”], Izvestija Tomskogo politehnicheskogo universiteta – Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University, Vol. 326(9), pp.95-105, 2015.
Content type: Conference Abstract
Appears in Collections:Litteris et Artibus. – 2016 р.

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