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Title: Educational establishments and their role in the formation of the architectural environment of Vinnytsia at the beginning of the XX century
Authors: Subin-Kozhevnikova, Alyona
Affiliation: Vinnytsia National Technical University
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Subin-Kozhevnikova A. Educational establishments and their role in the formation of the architectural environment of Vinnytsia at the beginning of the XX century / Alyona Subin-Kozhevnikova // Litteris et Artibus : proceedings, 23–25 November, 2017. — Lviv : Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2017. — P. 224–225. — (8th International academic conference «Geodesy, architecture & construction 2017» (GAC-2017)).
Bibliographic description (International): Subin-Kozhevnikova A. Educational establishments and their role in the formation of the architectural environment of Vinnytsia at the beginning of the XX century / Alyona Subin-Kozhevnikova // Litteris et Artibus : proceedings, 23–25 November, 2017. — Lviv : Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2017. — P. 224–225. — (8th International academic conference «Geodesy, architecture & construction 2017» (GAC-2017)).
Is part of: Litteris et Artibus : матеріали, 2017
Litteris et Artibus : proceedings, 2017
Conference/Event: 7th International youth science forum «Litteris et Artibus»
Journal/Collection: Litteris et Artibus : матеріали
Issue Date: 23-Dec-2017
Publisher: Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House
Place of the edition/event: Львів
Temporal Coverage: 23–25 листопада 2017 року
23–25 November, 2017
Keywords: architectural environment
cultural heritage
urban development
educational establishments
Number of pages: 2
Page range: 224-225
Start page: 224
End page: 225
Abstract: The article deals with the formation and development of the architectural environment of Vinnytsia at the beginning of the 20th century under the influence of sociocultural and historical factors. It is established that the architectural and town planning system of the city at the beginning of the XX century was formed under the influence of traditional elements, like the environment, in combination with fundamentally new components, caused by the functional and spiritual needs of the society of that time. In the article the author reveals the city as a multifunctional social organism fulfilling an important cultural function. That is why the influence of the development of the educational infrastructure on the formation of the architectural and spatial organization and the aesthetically artistic image of Vinnytsia is studied in the work.
ISBN: 978-966-941-108-2
Copyright owner: © Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2017
References (Ukraine): [1] O. V. Byrulia, Architectural History of Vinnytsia. Vinnytsia, USSR: State Printing Lenin, 1930.
[2] V. V. Vecherskyi at al., Historical and urban studies: Vasylkiv, Vinnitsa, Horlivka, Izmail. Kyiv, Ukraina: Institute of Monument Protection Research, 2011.
[3] Yu. S. Aseev at al., History of Ukrainian Architecture. Kyiv, Ukraina: Technics, 2003.
[4] S. M. Yesiunin, The cities of Podolsk province in the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries: monograph. Khmelnytskyi, Ukraina: FOP A. A. Melnik, 2015.
[5] Yu. A. Zinko at al., Monuments of history and culture of Vinnytsia region. Vinnytsyia. Vinnytsia, Ukraina: LLC "Nilan-LTD", 2016.
[6] S. H. Tsarenko and E. V. Soleiko, Star of Gregory Artynov – the first urban architect. Vinnytsia, Ukraina: The New Book, 2012.
[7] L. M. Denysova, "A city with modest admiration", in Architectural Vinnitsa: time, space, personality. Almanac. L. M. Zahorodnia, Ed. Vinnytsia, Ukraina: PP "PRAD ART", 2012, pp. 15-31.
[8] A. M. Podolynyi at al., Vinnytsia: historical scene. Vinnytsia, Ukraina: Book-Vega, 2007.
[9] A. Lysyi, "Educational institutions in the Mury in the early twentieth century", in Vinnytsya Mury. A look through the ages: International materials. sciences conf. "Jesuit complex in Vinnitsa through the prism of centuries" 9-10 September. 2010. K. Vysotskaya, Ed. Vinnytsia, Ukraina: VMPO "Development", 2011, pp. 257-269.
References (International): [1] O. V. Byrulia, Architectural History of Vinnytsia. Vinnytsia, USSR: State Printing Lenin, 1930.
[2] V. V. Vecherskyi at al., Historical and urban studies: Vasylkiv, Vinnitsa, Horlivka, Izmail. Kyiv, Ukraina: Institute of Monument Protection Research, 2011.
[3] Yu. S. Aseev at al., History of Ukrainian Architecture. Kyiv, Ukraina: Technics, 2003.
[4] S. M. Yesiunin, The cities of Podolsk province in the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries: monograph. Khmelnytskyi, Ukraina: FOP A. A. Melnik, 2015.
[5] Yu. A. Zinko at al., Monuments of history and culture of Vinnytsia region. Vinnytsyia. Vinnytsia, Ukraina: LLC "Nilan-LTD", 2016.
[6] S. H. Tsarenko and E. V. Soleiko, Star of Gregory Artynov – the first urban architect. Vinnytsia, Ukraina: The New Book, 2012.
[7] L. M. Denysova, "A city with modest admiration", in Architectural Vinnitsa: time, space, personality. Almanac. L. M. Zahorodnia, Ed. Vinnytsia, Ukraina: PP "PRAD ART", 2012, pp. 15-31.
[8] A. M. Podolynyi at al., Vinnytsia: historical scene. Vinnytsia, Ukraina: Book-Vega, 2007.
[9] A. Lysyi, "Educational institutions in the Mury in the early twentieth century", in Vinnytsya Mury. A look through the ages: International materials. sciences conf. "Jesuit complex in Vinnitsa through the prism of centuries" 9-10 September. 2010. K. Vysotskaya, Ed. Vinnytsia, Ukraina: VMPO "Development", 2011, pp. 257-269.
Content type: Conference Abstract
Appears in Collections:Litteris et Artibus. – 2017 р.

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