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dc.contributor.authorSlipchuk, Andriy
dc.contributor.authorDatsishin, Yuriy
dc.coverage.temporal23–25 листопада 2017 року
dc.coverage.temporal23–25 November, 2017
dc.identifier.citationSlipchuk A. Improving the quality of technology of pressing the tungsten carbide inset cutter in roller cone bit / Andriy Slipchuk, Yuriy Datsishin // Litteris et Artibus : proceedings, 23–25 November, 2017. — Lviv : Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2017. — P. 252–253. — (6th International academic conference «Mechanical engineering, materials science, transport 2017» (MEMST-2017)).
dc.description.abstractThe analysis of the nature of the damage to the surfaces of the openings revealed traces of the action of the compressive forces arising along the axis of the tungsten carbide inset cutter when squeezing it into the rock face. Also found traces of deformation from the action of bending to the tungsten carbide inset cutter, depending on the orientation of its slip on the face. Fixing and rubbing, fretting-corrosion, damage to the local areas of the walls of the holes caused by scrolling the tungsten carbide inset cutter around its axis in the opening of the rolling-cutter teeth row. In the case of the use of tungsten carbide inset cutter with symmetrical exacerbation of the breeding part, the orientation of the creature's impressive head of the tungsten carbide inset cutter is determined by an effective angle to the axis of the crown of the tungsten carbide inset cutter pick. Calculations show that an angle of 45 ° is optimal.
dc.publisherВидавництво Львівської політехніки
dc.publisherLviv Polytechnic Publishing House
dc.relation.ispartofLitteris et Artibus : матеріали, 2017
dc.relation.ispartofLitteris et Artibus : proceedings, 2017
dc.subjecttungsten carbide
dc.subjectroller cone
dc.subjectcutter bits
dc.titleImproving the quality of technology of pressing the tungsten carbide inset cutter in roller cone bit
dc.typeConference Abstract
dc.rights.holder© Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2017
dc.contributor.affiliationLviv Polytechnic National University
dc.identifier.citationenSlipchuk A. Improving the quality of technology of pressing the tungsten carbide inset cutter in roller cone bit / Andriy Slipchuk, Yuriy Datsishin // Litteris et Artibus : proceedings, 23–25 November, 2017. — Lviv : Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2017. — P. 252–253. — (6th International academic conference «Mechanical engineering, materials science, transport 2017» (MEMST-2017)).
dc.relation.references[1] G. L. Doll, R. D. Evans, C. R. Ribaudo, "Improving the performance of rolling contact bearings with tribological coatings", Surface Engineering in Materials Science III, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society Journal, pp. 153-162, 2005.
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dc.relation.references[3] H. Nixon, X. Ai, J. Cogdell, G. Fox, "Accessing and Predicting the Performance of Bearings in Debris Contaminated Lubrication Environment", SAE Technical Paper #1999-01-2791, International Off- Highway & Power Plant Congress & Exposition, Indianapolis, Sept. 13, 1999.
dc.relation.references[4] J. Schroder, "Cone Retention and Tapered Bearing Preload System for Roller Cone Bit," US patent application filed Nov. 2, 2011.
dc.relation.references[5] R. S. Zhou, H. Nixon, "A Contact Stress Model for Predicting Rolling Contact Fatigue", SAE Technical Paper 921720 in SEA Transactions Journal, Vol. 101, No. 2, Sept. 1, 1992.
dc.relation.references[6] R. S. Jakum, A. M. Slipchyk, “Proektuvannya novykh produktovykh liniy sharoshok dlya rozrobky funktsional’no-oriyentovanoyi tekhnolohiyi yikhn’oho vyhotovlennya,” Zbirnyk tez IV naukovopraktychnoyi konferentsiyi vykladachiv i studentiv instytutu fizyky, matematyky ekonomiky ta innovatsiynykh tekhnolohiy ”Aktual’ni problemy suchasnoyi nauky”, 12.05.2017, Drohobych, pp.178-180.
dc.relation.references[7] A. M. Slipchyk, R. S. Jakum, “Pokrashchennya yakosti tekhnolohiyi protsesu zapresovuvannya zubkiv u sharoshky burovykh dolit,” Vysoki tekhnolohiyi v mashynobuduvanni. Kharkiv, NTU “KHPI”, Vol. 1 (27). pp. 134-143, 2017.
dc.relation.references[8] A. M. Slipchyk, R. S. Jakum, “Pokrashchennya yakosti tekhnolohiyi protsesu zapresovuvannya zubtsiv u sharoshky burovykh dolit,” Optymizatsiya vyrobnychykh protsesiv i tekhnichnyy kontrol’ u mashynobuduvanni ta pryladobuduvanni, no. 867, pp. 69-77, 2017.
dc.relation.referencesen[1] G. L. Doll, R. D. Evans, C. R. Ribaudo, "Improving the performance of rolling contact bearings with tribological coatings", Surface Engineering in Materials Science III, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society Journal, pp. 153-162, 2005.
dc.relation.referencesen[2] T. A. Harris, M. N. Kotzalas, "Rolling Bearing Analysis Essential Concepts of Bearing Technology", Fifth Edition, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2007.
dc.relation.referencesen[3] H. Nixon, X. Ai, J. Cogdell, G. Fox, "Accessing and Predicting the Performance of Bearings in Debris Contaminated Lubrication Environment", SAE Technical Paper #1999-01-2791, International Off- Highway & Power Plant Congress & Exposition, Indianapolis, Sept. 13, 1999.
dc.relation.referencesen[4] J. Schroder, "Cone Retention and Tapered Bearing Preload System for Roller Cone Bit," US patent application filed Nov. 2, 2011.
dc.relation.referencesen[5] R. S. Zhou, H. Nixon, "A Contact Stress Model for Predicting Rolling Contact Fatigue", SAE Technical Paper 921720 in SEA Transactions Journal, Vol. 101, No. 2, Sept. 1, 1992.
dc.relation.referencesen[6] R. S. Jakum, A. M. Slipchyk, "Proektuvannya novykh produktovykh liniy sharoshok dlya rozrobky funktsional’no-oriyentovanoyi tekhnolohiyi yikhn’oho vyhotovlennya," Zbirnyk tez IV naukovopraktychnoyi konferentsiyi vykladachiv i studentiv instytutu fizyky, matematyky ekonomiky ta innovatsiynykh tekhnolohiy "Aktual’ni problemy suchasnoyi nauky", 12.05.2017, Drohobych, pp.178-180.
dc.relation.referencesen[7] A. M. Slipchyk, R. S. Jakum, "Pokrashchennya yakosti tekhnolohiyi protsesu zapresovuvannya zubkiv u sharoshky burovykh dolit," Vysoki tekhnolohiyi v mashynobuduvanni. Kharkiv, NTU "KHPI", Vol. 1 (27). pp. 134-143, 2017.
dc.relation.referencesen[8] A. M. Slipchyk, R. S. Jakum, "Pokrashchennya yakosti tekhnolohiyi protsesu zapresovuvannya zubtsiv u sharoshky burovykh dolit," Optymizatsiya vyrobnychykh protsesiv i tekhnichnyy kontrol’ u mashynobuduvanni ta pryladobuduvanni, no. 867, pp. 69-77, 2017.
dc.citation.conference7th International youth science forum «Litteris et Artibus»
dc.citation.journalTitleLitteris et Artibus : матеріали
Appears in Collections:Litteris et Artibus. – 2017 р.

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