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Title: Impact of processing modes and parameters of the working part of the instrument on the surface quality of flat parts during high-speed friction hardening
Authors: Dmyterko, Petro
Novitskyy, Yuriy
Gurey, Volodymyr
Affiliation: Lviv Polytechnic National University
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Dmyterko P. Impact of processing modes and parameters of the working part of the instrument on the surface quality of flat parts during high-speed friction hardening / Petro Dmyterko, Yuriy Novitskyy, Volodymyr Gurey // Litteris et Artibus : proceedings, 23–25 November, 2017. — Lviv : Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2017. — P. 250–251. — (6th International academic conference «Mechanical engineering, materials science, transport 2017» (MEMST-2017)).
Bibliographic description (International): Dmyterko P. Impact of processing modes and parameters of the working part of the instrument on the surface quality of flat parts during high-speed friction hardening / Petro Dmyterko, Yuriy Novitskyy, Volodymyr Gurey // Litteris et Artibus : proceedings, 23–25 November, 2017. — Lviv : Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2017. — P. 250–251. — (6th International academic conference «Mechanical engineering, materials science, transport 2017» (MEMST-2017)).
Is part of: Litteris et Artibus : матеріали, 2017
Litteris et Artibus : proceedings, 2017
Conference/Event: 7th International youth science forum «Litteris et Artibus»
Journal/Collection: Litteris et Artibus : матеріали
Issue Date: 23-Dec-2017
Publisher: Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House
Place of the edition/event: Львів
Temporal Coverage: 23–25 листопада 2017 року
23–25 November, 2017
Keywords: surface precision
surface roughness
precessional motion
high-speed friction
Number of pages: 2
Page range: 250-251
Start page: 250
End page: 251
Abstract: Impact of processing modes and parameters of the working part of the tool-workpiece on the quality and surface precision of details during high-speed friction hardening of flat details is developed.
ISBN: 978-966-941-108-2
Copyright owner: © Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2017
References (Ukraine): [1] Ya. O. Shakhbazov, “Tekhnolohichni mozhlyvosti znyzhennia amplitudy kolyvan tekhnolohichnoi systemy shlifuvannia,” Optymizatsiia vyrobnychykh protsesiv i tekhnichnyi kontrol u mashynobuduvanni ta pryladobuduvanni, vol. 515, pp. 51–54, 2004.
[2] S. P. Nikitin, “Vliyanie kolebaniy dinamicheskoy sistemyi stanka na tochnost i temperaturu pri shlifovanii,” Vestnik Permskogo natsionalnogo issledovatelskogo politehnicheskogo universiteta, no.3, pp. 31–47, 2010.
[3] A. G. Suslov, V. F. Bezyyazyichnyiy, Yu. V. Panfilov, Injeneriya poverhnosti detaley, Moscow: Mashinostroenie, 2008.
[4] I. V. Hurei, V. I. Hurei, P. R. Dmyterko, “Modeliuvannia hiroskopichnykh protsesiv pid chas fryktsiinoho zmitsnennia detalei mashyn,” Optymizatsiia vyrobnychykh protsesiv i tekhnichnyi kontrol u mashynobuduvanni ta pryladobuduvanni,no. 760, pp. 14–18, 2013.
References (International): [1] Ya. O. Shakhbazov, "Tekhnolohichni mozhlyvosti znyzhennia amplitudy kolyvan tekhnolohichnoi systemy shlifuvannia," Optymizatsiia vyrobnychykh protsesiv i tekhnichnyi kontrol u mashynobuduvanni ta pryladobuduvanni, vol. 515, pp. 51–54, 2004.
[2] S. P. Nikitin, "Vliyanie kolebaniy dinamicheskoy sistemyi stanka na tochnost i temperaturu pri shlifovanii," Vestnik Permskogo natsionalnogo issledovatelskogo politehnicheskogo universiteta, no.3, pp. 31–47, 2010.
[3] A. G. Suslov, V. F. Bezyyazyichnyiy, Yu. V. Panfilov, Injeneriya poverhnosti detaley, Moscow: Mashinostroenie, 2008.
[4] I. V. Hurei, V. I. Hurei, P. R. Dmyterko, "Modeliuvannia hiroskopichnykh protsesiv pid chas fryktsiinoho zmitsnennia detalei mashyn," Optymizatsiia vyrobnychykh protsesiv i tekhnichnyi kontrol u mashynobuduvanni ta pryladobuduvanni,no. 760, pp. 14–18, 2013.
Content type: Conference Abstract
Appears in Collections:Litteris et Artibus. – 2017 р.

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