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Title: Bearing capacity of steel plate anchor in cellular concrete block masonry. Research aims, programme and methodology
Authors: Verba, Volodymyr
Olovets, Oleh
Affiliation: Lviv Polytechnic National University
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Verba V. Bearing capacity of steel plate anchor in cellular concrete block masonry. Research aims, programme and methodology / Volodymyr Verba, Oleh Olovets // Litteris et Artibus : proceedings of the 5th International youth science forum, November 26–28, 2015, Lviv, Ukraine / Lviv Polytechnic National University. – Lviv : Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2015. – P. 110–111. – Bibliography: 5 titles.
Conference/Event: Litteris et Artibus
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House
Country (code): UA
Place of the edition/event: Lviv
Keywords: plate steel anchor
cellular concrete
bearing capacity
research program
Number of pages: 110-111
Abstract: The current article is devoted to the start of new topic of wide scientific researches of cellular concrete structural properties and its application in civil engineering held in Lviv Polytechnic National University. Nowadays we are focused at problem of estimation of bearing capacity of plate steel anchor applied in aerated concrete thin-bed blockwork. Aim, research tasks and programme of experiment is presented.
References (International): [1] V. Verba, "Robota plastynkovoho ankera v fibropinobetoni" ["Plate anchor behavior in fibre-reinforced foam concrete"], in Heodeziia, arkhitektura ta budivnytstvo: Materialy III Mizhnarodnoi konferentsii molodykh naukovtsiv GAC-2010 [Geodesy, Architecture & Construction: Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. of Young Scientists GAC-2010], Lviv, UA, 2010, pp. 68-69. [2] V. Verba, "Ankeruvannia stalevoi armatury v bezavtoklavnomu pinobetoni za rakhunok zcheplennia ta plastynkovykh ankeriv" ["Anchoring of steel reinforcement in nonautoclaved foam concrete by bonding and plate anchors"], Ph.D. dissertation, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine, 2012. [3] Kam’iani ta armokam’iani konstruktsii. Osnovni polozhennia [Unreinforced and reinforced masonry structures. General rules], DBN V.2.6-162:2010, 2011. [4] Kh. B. Demchyna, et al., "Vyznachennia mitsnosti pinobetonu na roztiah pid chas rozkoliuvannia" ["Determining of tensile splitting strength of foam concrete"] Visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu "Lvivska politekhnika" – Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University, no. 742., pp. 65-69, 2012. [5] V. A. Paruta and Przemysław Markiewicz, "Proektyrovanye po systeme YTONG. Spravochnoe posobye"["Design under YTONG system. Reference guide"], Odesa, Ukraine, 2008.
Content type: Conference Abstract
Appears in Collections:Litteris et Artibus. – 2015 р.

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