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Title: Development of a statistically reliable pseudorandom bit sequence
Authors: Mandrona, Maria
Maksymovych, Volodymyr
Kostiv, Yuriy
Harasymchuk, Oleh
Affiliation: Lviv State University of Life Safety
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Development of a statistically reliable pseudorandom bit sequence / Maria Mandrona, Volodymyr Maksymovych, Yuriy Kostiv, Oleh Harasymchuk // Litteris et Artibus : proceedings of the 5th International youth science forum, November 26–28, 2015, Lviv, Ukraine / Lviv Polytechnic National University. – Lviv : Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2015. – P. 80–81. – Bibliography: 5 titles.
Conference/Event: Litteris et Artibus
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House
Country (code): UA
Place of the edition/event: Lviv
Keywords: pseudorandom generator
protection of information
pseudorandom numbers
ensuring block of statistical security
statistic characteristics
Number of pages: 80-81
Abstract: A statistically reliable pseudorandom bit sequence generator has been developed on the basis of additive lagged Fibonacci generator. Studies have been conducted into its the quality of its operation according to the criteria of systemic theoretical approach to the design of generators. The said criteria include: pulse repetition period, statistical characteristics, linear complexity, key information amount (length of key) and rate of response.
References (International): [1] M. A. Ivanov and I. V. Chugunkov Ed., "Teorija, primenenie i ocenka kachestva generatorov psevdosluchajnyh posledovatel'nostej [Theory, application, and quality assessnent of pseudorandom sequence generators]. Moscow: KUDITS-OBRAZ Publ., 2012. [2] I. D. Horbenko and Iu. I. Horbenko Ed., Prykladna kryptolohiia: Teoriia. Praktyka. Zastosuvannia: monohrafiia [Applied cryptology: Theory. Practice. Application: a monograph]. – Kharkiv: Publishing House «Fort», 2012. [3] M. М. Mandrona, V. M. Maksymovych "Investigation of the Statistical Characteristics of the Modified Fibonacci Generators" Journal of Automation and Information Sciences. 10.1615/J AutomatInf Scien.v46.i12.60, Рр. 48-53, 2014. [4] M. М. Mandrona , Yu. M. Kostiv, V. M. Maksymovych, O. I. Harasymchuk, "Generator of pseudorandom bit sequence with increased cryptographic security", Metallurgical and Mining Industry. No 5, Pp. 81-86, 2014. [5] NIST SP 800-22. “A Statistical Test Suite for Random and Pseudorandom Number Generators for Cryptographic Applications”, [Online]. Available: P800-22rev1a.pdf [Accessed: April. 2010].
Content type: Conference Abstract
Appears in Collections:Litteris et Artibus. – 2015 р.

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