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dc.contributor.advisorБакаєв, Леонід Олександрович-
dc.contributor.authorДвулі, Зоряна Петрівна-
dc.identifier.citationДвуліт З. П. Економіко-екологічне управління сталим розвитком підприємств залізничного транспорту : дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора економічних наук : 08.00.04 – економіка та управління підприємствами (за видами економічної діяльності) / Зоряна Петрівна Двуліт ; Міністерство освіти і науки України, Державний університет інфраструктури та технологій. – Київ, 2018. – 530 с. – Бібліографія: с. 413–456 (382 назви).uk_UA
dc.description.abstractУ дисертації розроблено концептуальні, теоретико-методологічні та методико- прикладні засади економіко-екологічного управління сталим розвитком підприємств залізничного транспорту. Обґрунтовані концептуальні засади забезпечення економіко-екологічного управління як інструменту сталого розвитку підприємств залізничного транспорту. Розроблено комплекс моделей оцінки системи економіко-екологічного управління сталим розвитком підприємств залізничного транспорту. Удосконалено метод інтегрального оцінювання впливу діяльності залізниць на довкілля за принципами сталого розвитку. Розвинуто підходи до оцінювання проблеми економіко-екологічного управління сталим розвитком підприємств залізничного транспорту. В диссертации разработаны концептуальные, теоретико-методологические и методико-прикладные основы экономико-экологического управления устойчивым развитием предприятий железнодорожного транспорта. Обоснованы концептуальные основы обеспечения экономико-экологического управления как инструмента устойчивого развития предприятий железнодорожного транспорта. Разработан комплекс моделей оценки системы экономико-экологического управления устойчивым развитием предприятий железнодорожного транспорта. Усовершенствован метод интегральной оценки влияния деятельности железных дорог на окружающую среду на принципах устойчивого развития. Получили дальнейшее развитие подходы к оценке проблемы экономико-экологического управления устойчивым развитием предприятий железнодорожного транспорта. The dissertation provides a theoretical and methodological foundations and practical recommendations for effective economic and environmental management of the sustainable development of railway transport enterprises (RTE). The conceptual foundations of providing economic and environmental management as a tool for sustainable development of RTE are justified and they cover a unified model of preparation and adoption of strategic decisions in the management system that based on the application of econometric modeling of various variants of the scenarios of the system of distribution of environmental costs. This enables the adoption of the best management solution for further directions of the development of railway transport enterprises. The complex of models for assessing the state of the system of economic and environmental management of the sustainable development of railway transport enterprises is created, namely: model of the integrated assessment of the impact of RTE activity on the environment; model of the taxonomic level of development of economic and environmental management system of railway transport enterprises in relation to the distribution of environmental costs; model of structural fluctuations of the system of allocating costs for environmental protection by the entropy method, which allows to calculate such costs for the existing and optimized structures, to predict their value and to evaluate the state of the system at different levels of management which made it possible to carry out an econometric modeling of the dependence of the environmental costs of RTE from the main determinants. The method of economic and environmental estimation of emissions volumes of polluting substances and greenhouse gases into atmospheric air from the rolling stock of Ukrainian railways is proposed. This method takes into account a systematic approach to the ecological and economic components of economic and environmental management. Subsequently, such assessment allows to calculate the planned targets for atmospheric air pollution by rolling stock, the volume of diesel fuel consumption and, accordingly, the size of the environmental tax, in order to minimize both the size of environmental costs and the magnitude of the damage done to the environment. The author improved the method of integrated assessment of the influence of railways activity on the environment on the principles of sustainable development that, in contrast to the existing ones, allows to develop and improve the directions of economic and environmental management of sustainable development of RTE in order to choose the optimal variant of their sustainable development; to identify the elements of their negative influence, to realize their ranking in dynamics; to develop priority measures, to improve the efficiency of the functioning of RTE as objects of sustainable development management and to develop alternative models with the possibility of forecasting results from the implemented measures and, ultimately, to formulate an appropriate strategy of economic and environmental management of sustainable development of RTE. The classification of conceptual principles of the economic and environmental management of sustainable development of RTE is improved and it provides the separation of four groups of principles (economic, environmental, social and unifying, which, in contrast to existing ones, include social (promotion of social development, creating conditions for providing safe and affordable transport services, taking into account the needs and interests of employees, social responsibility) and unifying (corporate social responsibility, parity, purposefulness, interdependence, activation, systematic, strategic, prevention, timeliness, prevention, functional integration). The system of interconnections between the external components (economic, social, environmental components) and internal environments (railway transport enterprises) is improved, which, unlike the others, contains the mutual requirements of each component to others and to itself and allows to determine the inherent to such enterprises directions of interconnections and their structure. In addition, the approaches of the evaluation of the economic and environmental management problem of the sustainable development of RTE on the basis of the application of the method of system analysis is developed, including the improving mechanism of its provision as a complex cybernetic system with a high level of self-regulation, which includes its main structural elements, state variables and complex of formation of sustainable development of railways, which, unlike existing ones, allows to predict the size and structure of environmental costs in models of economic and environmental management of RTE. The system of economic and environmental management of sustainable development of rail transport enterprises is improved using the «tree of goals» method, which, unlike existing ones, gives an opportunity to analyze and synthesize the systems, to determine the interrelations between the models proposed in the work. This method gives an opportunity to formulate conclusions about the essence and magnitude of the contradictions between the requirements of sustainable development and the current state of nature management and nature protection activities, the quantity of planned environmental impact indicators, and parameters of managerial influence based on experimental calculations for a separate RTE. The system of goals and objectives of the economic and environmental management of RTE in the field of protection and improvement of the environment is developed, which, in contrast to existing ones, enables to develop the industry-specific directions and measures for improving the state of the environment, hierarchically reveal the initial problem of negative impact of RTE activity, make concrete measures and appropriate programs for the development of railway transport enterprises. The categorical-conceptual apparatus of «economic and environmental management», as part of general management is proposed. It harmonizes the interconnections of economic, environmental, social, organizational, technical, technological and other subsystems in order to minimize the negative impact on the environment to ensure sustainable development of society; «sustainable development of railway transport enterprises» as a system of interconnected elements with balance of the production and economic activity of RTE, the main objective of which is to minimize their negative environmental impact based on the optimized structure of environmental costs in terms of providing volumetric indicators of their activities for the needs of national economy, which, unlike existing ones, allows to take into account the specifics of RTE activity. It enables to expand and verify the terminology field in the theory of management by its essence, content and result. The method of complex economic and environmental assessment of the influence of diesel and electromotor traction of the rolling stock of railway transport enterprises as the moving sources of pollution of the environment is developed, which, unlike existing ones, contains the calculation of volume of emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases into atmospheric air and takes into account the features of modern composition and structure of inventory fleet of RTE, which allows to carry out the forecast calculations of the integral indicators for decreasing the pollution of the rolling stock of railway transport enterprises.uk_UA
dc.publisherДержавний університет інфраструктури та технологійuk_UA
dc.subjectекономіко-екологічне управлінняuk_UA
dc.subjectпідприємства залізничного транспортуuk_UA
dc.subjectсталий розвитокuk_UA
dc.subjectохорона навколишнього природного середовищаuk_UA
dc.subjectекологічні витратиuk_UA
dc.subjectэкономико-экологическое управлениеuk_UA
dc.subjectжелезные дорогиuk_UA
dc.subjectпредприятия железнодорожного транспортаuk_UA
dc.subjectустойчивое развитиеuk_UA
dc.subjectохрана окружающей средыuk_UA
dc.subjectэкологические издержкиuk_UA
dc.subjecteconomic and environmental managementuk_UA
dc.subjectrailway transport enterprisesuk_UA
dc.subjectsustainable developmentuk_UA
dc.subjectenvironmental protectionuk_UA
dc.titleЕкономіко-екологічне управління сталим розвитком підприємств залізничного транспортуuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeЭкономико-экологическое управление устойчивым развитием предприятий железнодорожного транспортаuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeEconomic and environmental management of the sustainable development of railway transport enterprisesuk_UA
dc.typeDissertation Abstractuk_UA
dc.contributor.affiliationДержавний університет інфраструктури та технологійuk_UA
dc.contributor.committeeMemberДейнека, Олександр Георгійович-
dc.contributor.committeeMemberГоровий, Дмитро Анатолійович-
dc.contributor.committeeMemberКопитко, Василь Іванович-
dc.format.pages530-Д 35.052.03-доктор економічних наук-
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