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Title: The methodology of environmental impacts assessment of environmentally hazardous facilities
Authors: Adamenko, Yaroslav
Affiliation: Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Adamenko Ya. The methodology of environmental impacts assessment of environmentally hazardous facilities / Yaroslav Adamenko // Environmental Problems. – 2017. – Volume 1, number 2. – P. 19–23. – Bibliography: 7 titles.
Journal/Collection: Environmental Problems
Issue: Volume 2, number 1
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University
Country (code): UA
Place of the edition/event: Львів
Keywords: environmental impact assessment
environmental impacts
utility theory
Number of pages: 19-23
Abstract: The article deals with the methodology of environmental impacts assessment of environmentally hazardous facilities and activities. The stages of evaluation of environmental impacts are proved. The algorithm and technology of decision-making in the system of environmental impact assessments based on a multi-criteria utility theory are proposed.
Copyright owner: © Adamenko Ya., 2016
References (International): [1] Buks I., Fomin S.: Ekologicheskaya ekspertiza i ocenka vozdeistviya na okrujayuschuyu sredu (OVOS). Moskva, MNEPU, 1999, 254. [2] Adamenko O.: Mistse i rol OVNS v sistemi ekologichnoyi bezpeki teritoriyi abo ob’ektu. Zbirnik materialiv: Normativni ta praktichni aspekti vikonannya otsinki vplivu na navkolishne seredovishche, Kiyiv, Veselka, 2002, 62–64. [3] Lee N., Colley R., Bonde J. Reviewing the Quality of Environmental Statements and Environmental Appraisals. University ofManchester. UK, 1999, 72. [4] Kalinovskiy S.: Otsinka vplivu i ekologichna ekspertiza sogodni i zavtra. Zbirnik materialiv: Normativni ta praktichni aspekti vikonannya otsinki vplivu na navkolishne seredovishche, Kiyiv, Veselka, 2002, 8-19. [5] Makarov I.: Teoriya vybora i prinyatiya resheniy. – Moskva, Nauka, 1987, 421. [6] Ya. Adamenko, M. Coman The Methodology of Decision-Making within Procedures of Environmental Impact Assessments / Wulfenia Journal (ISSN:1561- 882X) – Klagenfurt, Austria. – Vol. 23, No. 6. – Jun. 2016. – 377–384 p. [7] Adamenko Ya.: Otsinka vpliviv tehnogenno nebezpechnih ob'ektiv na navkolishne seredovishche: naukovo-teoretichni osnovi, praktichna realizatsiya. Disertacia doktora tehnichykh nauk: 21.06.01, Ivano-Frankivsk, 2006, 425.
Content type: Article
Appears in Collections:Environmental Problems. – 2017. – Vol. 2, No. 1

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