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Title: The structure of the system of processing citizens’ appeals
Authors: Markovets, O.
Dumanskyi, N.
Affiliation: Lviv Polytechnic National University
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Markovets O. The structure of the system of processing citizens’ appeals / O. Markovets, N. Dumanskyi // Econtechmod : an international quarterly journal on economics in technology, new technologies and modelling processes. – Lublin ; Rzeszow, 2017. – Volum 6, number 2. – P. 33–38. – Bibliography: 14 titles.
Journal/Collection: Econtechmod
Volume: Volum 6, number 2
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture
Country (code): PL
Place of the edition/event: Lublin ; Rzeszow
Keywords: online community
citizen appeals processing
Number of pages: 33-38
Abstract: This article describes the features of interaction with public authorities. A realization of citizen appeal processing system and defines its mission. Posted scheme of the system processing of citizens. Detailed description of its components and functions as well as features of the program realization is given. Summarizing the existing regulations and experience of interaction with public authorities is described. Depending on the specifics of each of stages of system creation is given. For accounting and analysis of applications of citizens is designed database structure.
References (International): 1. Kacem R. Belkaroui, D. Jemal, H. Ghorbel, R. Faiz, and I. H. Abid 2016, “Towards Improving e-Government Services Using Social Media-Based Citizen’s Profile Investigation,” =, 9th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (Icegov), Proceedings Paper, 2016, рр. 187–190 (in English). 2. Gronlund and I. Susha 2012, “A Communication Genre Perspective on e-Petitioning: The Case of the Citizens’ Initiative” Electronic Participation, Epart, Proceedings Paper, Vol. 7444, 2012, рр. 37–48 (in English). 3. Alzahrani L., Al-Karaghouli W. and Weerak= kody V. 2017, “Analysing the critical factors influencing trust in e-government adoption from citizens’ perspective: A systematic review and a conceptual framework”, International Business Review, Review, Vol. 26, No. 1, Feb 2017, рр. 164–175 (in English). 4. Venkatesh V., J. Thong Y. L., Chan F. K. Y. and Hu P. J. H. 2016, “Managing Citizens’ Uncertainty in E-Government Services: The Mediating and Moderating Roles of Transparency and Trust”, Information Systems Research, Article, Vol. 27, No. 1, Mar 2016, рр. 87–111 (in English). 5. Serenok A. Klimushyn P. “E-governance in the information society” [monograph], 2010, 312 p. 6. Markovets O., Peleschyshyn A. 2015, “Modeling of Citizen Claims Processing by Means of Queuing System”, International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics (IJCSBI), Vol. 15, No. 1, January 2015, рр. 36–46 (in English). 7. Markovets O. 2014 “Background modeling the processing of electronic applications in the university”. Proceedings of the XIIth International Conference “Modern Problems of Radio Engineering, Telecommunications and Computer Science” (TCSET’2014). Lviv, 2014, рр. 393. 8. Fedushko S., Syerov Yu. and Korzh R. 2016, “Validation of the user accounts personal data of online academic community” IEEE XIIIth Intern. Conf. “Modern Problems of Radio Engineering, Telecommunications and Computer Science”, Lviv- Slavske, February 23–26, 2016, рр. 863–866. 9. Fedushko S. 2016, “Development of verification system of socio-demographic data of virtual community member” Radio Electronics Computer Science Control, Article, No. 3, 2016, рр. 87–92. 10. Markovets О. 2013 “Methods of determining performer of electronic requests processing”. Proceedings of the II International Scientific and Technical Conference “Information, communication, society ICST-2013”, 2013, рр. 148–149 11. Markovets O., Korzh R., Yarka U.2013 “Research of means used in communication of Internet users with local authorities”. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2013, Vol. 3, Issue 9 (63), рр. 38–41. 12. Syerov Y., Trach O., Fedushko S. 2016, “Effect of Implementation of improved Methods of the Life Cycle Stages Organisation to the Online Community Management”, International Journal of Computational Research and Development, Vol. 1, Issue 1, рр. 1–5. 13. Fedushko S. 2014 “Development of a software for computer-linguistic verification of socio-demographic profile of web-community member”, Webology, Vol. 11 (2), 14. Markovets O., Olijnuk I. 2014. “Modeling of electronic processing of appeals to local authorities by means of GPSS based on consolidated information” // Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Department of Information Systems and Networks, No. 783, рр. 385–397.
Content type: Article
Appears in Collections:Econtechmod. – 2017. – Vol. 6, No. 2

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