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Title: Боротьба з контрабандою як один із методів забезпечення економічної безпеки держави
Other Titles: Combat smuggling as one of the state methods to support economic security
Authors: Передало, Х. С.
Стасів, Н. В.
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Передало Х. С. Боротьба з контрабандою як один із методів забезпечення економічної безпеки держави / Х. С. Передало, Н. В. Стасів // Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка". Серія: Менеджмент та підприємництво в Україні: етапи становлення і проблеми розвитку : збірник наукових праць. – 2016. – № 851. – С. 206–211. – Бібліографія: 8 назв.
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Keywords: контрабанда
групи товарів
фізичні методи
економічні методи
product groups
physical methods
economic methods
Abstract: Встановлено, що внаслідок нестабільної економічної та політичної ситуації в країні контрабанда набуває розмірів масового негативного явища та становить реальну загрозу економічним інтересам держави. Висвітлено сутність поняття контрабанди та механізм класифікації дій, що підлягають визначенню цього терміна. Сформовано групи товарів, що перевозяться контрабандистами та охарактеризовано основні способи здійснення контрабанди. Визначено основні причини контрабанди в Україні та встановлено шляхи протидії. In the article we explain the essence and the concept of smuggling and which actions to take in order to solve the problem. The purpose of the article is to analyze the characteristics of smuggling and identifying the main ways to combat this phenomenon. We consider 5 main groups of goods transported by smugglers, namely particularly valuable goods, goods that pose a threat to human health, items that pose a threat to personal and public safety, items that pose a threat to public morality, things that threat personal integrity of the person and highlight two main methods of smuggling operations. Physical methods include attempts to hide smuggled goods in another product or not declare all the smuggled items to the authority or hide the goods from customs inspection or threaten the officers for permission to import/export of contraband/transport a large number of goods. Economic methods include bribery, using of diplomatic protection and understatement of customs value of goods. The results of a poll display that the main causes of smuggling into the country are: corruption in customs, border and other regulatory bodies, excise import duty, excise duty and VAT, imperfection of the legislative, regulatory and legal framework for the regulation of imports and to combat smuggling, violations of customs rules, lack of cooperation of law enforcement and controlling bodies in Ukraine with relevant bodies of neighboring states to share information on combating the movement of goods out of customs control or concealed from customs control, prevailing unemployment among residents of border areas, lack of proper control over the sale of goods in the internal market, lack of effectiveness of customs and border control, advantageous geographical position and transport into the state. These polls established that to combat smuggling , we must solve several problems: install tight parliamentary and public control over the actions of customs and border agencies and ensure punishment for corruption; optimize import duty, excise duty and VAT includes ensuring the necessary protection of the domestic market; simplify procedure of customs clearance, strengthen the interaction between the Security Service, Interior Ministry, State Border Service of Ukraine and law enforcement and regulatory authorities of neighboring countries and customs authorities to exchange information; ensure the maintenance of customs with modern means of customs control, establish surveillance systems, electronic scales, devices for scanning and others; promote the development and use of Dog Training service, search for methods to detect drugs based on international experience; issue counterparts narcotics training for dogs, as for training with the use of substitutes that have a smell different from the original; report on the media actions of public authorities relating to the fight against smuggling and customs violations. Gradual implementation of the set of measures to combat smuggling will lead to the protection of economic interests of the country, it will improve the state budget and impact the criminal situation in the country, which together leads to the formation of strong reserves to strengthen the economic security. However, even if the domestic market state will take all necessary measures to overcome the smuggling, do not forget that the problem exists across the border and, unfortunately we can not avoid it on the international market, it's impossible to fight it everywhere, one must start with his country .
Content type: Article
Appears in Collections:Менеджмент та підприємництво в Україні: етапи становлення і проблеми розвитку. – 2016. – №851

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