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Теорія та техніка антен (ICATT 2009). – 2009 р. : [108] Collection home page


Матеріали 7-ої Міжнародної конференції

У книзі зібрано матеріали конференції, присвяченої проблемам у галузі розробки і впровадження антен.

Теорія та техніка антен = Antenna theory and techniques : матеріали 7-ої Міжнародної конференції, 9–12 червня 2009 року, Львів, Україна. – Львів : Видавництво Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", 2009. – 400 с. : іл.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 108
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)PreviewTypeIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009Possible way to increasing of finite-difference time-domain algorithm efficiencySoldatenkov, V. P.Article2009Possible way to increasing of finite-difference time-domain algorithm efficiencySoldatenkov, V. P.
2009UWB planar antenna dipole in the sandwich configurationPergol, M.; Zieniutycz, W.Article2009UWB planar antenna dipole in the sandwich configurationPergol, M.; Zieniutycz, W.
2009Investigation of the reconfigurable antenna with a set of PIN diodesBajurko, P.; Yashchyshyn, Y.Article2009Investigation of the reconfigurable antenna with a set of PIN diodesBajurko, P.; Yashchyshyn, Y.
2009Modelling of street radio links as Microwave Multiports at work of system WIMAX in the conditions of the cityStrelnitskiy, A. A.; Tsopa, A. I.; Shokalo, V. M.Article2009Modelling of street radio links as Microwave Multiports at work of system WIMAX in the conditions of the cityStrelnitskiy, A. A.; Tsopa, A. I.; Shokalo, V. M.
2009Scattering wideband pulse signals by non-smooth surfacesDrobakhin, O. O.; Saltykov, D. Yu.; Saltykov, A. D.Article2009Scattering wideband pulse signals by non-smooth surfacesDrobakhin, O. O.; Saltykov, D. Yu.; Saltykov, A. D.
2009Bee swarm algorithm for synthesis of antenna arraysNosich, A. I.; Boriskin, A. V.; Galan, A.Yu.; Sauleau, R.Article2009Bee swarm algorithm for synthesis of antenna arraysGalan, A.Yu.; Sauleau, R.
2009EM analysis of planar electronically scanned array antennas with radiating element errorsWang, C. S.; Liu, M.; Ping, L. H.; Bao, H.Article2009EM analysis of planar electronically scanned array antennas with radiating element errorsWang, C. S.; Liu, M.; Ping, L. H.; Bao, H.
2009Adjustment and beam forming in circular antenna array with conformal and phase scanningBobkov, Y.; Yurtsev, O.; Moiseev, A.; Moskalev, D.Article2009Adjustment and beam forming in circular antenna array with conformal and phase scanningBobkov, Y.; Yurtsev, O.; Moiseev, A.; Moskalev, D.
2009Bearing estimation of a source with complicated spectrum using a moving sparse antenna arrayKorotin, P. I.; Rodionov, A. A.; Turchin, V. I.Article2009Bearing estimation of a source with complicated spectrum using a moving sparse antenna arrayKorotin, P. I.; Rodionov, A. A.; Turchin, V. I.
2009Nonlinear synthesis problem of flat equidistant antenna arrays according to the prescribed amplitude directivity patternProtsakh, L. P.; Savenko, P. O.; Tkach, M. D.Article2009Nonlinear synthesis problem of flat equidistant antenna arrays according to the prescribed amplitude directivity patternProtsakh, L. P.; Savenko, P. O.; Tkach, M. D.
2009A double-reflector antenna of millimeter range with wide-angle scanningNaumovich, N.; Muravjev, V.; Yurtsev, O.; Moskaliov, D.; Kizimenko, V.; Baty, C.Article2009A double-reflector antenna of millimeter range with wide-angle scanningNaumovich, N.; Muravjev, V.; Yurtsev, O.; Moskaliov, D.; Kizimenko, V.; Baty, C.
2009The use of equivalent replacement method for design of dual-frequency balanced devicesOborzhytskyy, V. I.; Prudyus, I. N.Article2009The use of equivalent replacement method for design of dual-frequency balanced devicesOborzhytskyy, V. I.; Prudyus, I. N.
2009Scattering properties of thin conductive fibresDemidchik, V. I.; Kornev, R. V.; Kuharchik, P. D.Article2009Scattering properties of thin conductive fibresDemidchik, V. I.; Kornev, R. V.; Kuharchik, P. D.
2009Mathematical model of a loaded conical antenna excitationDoroshenko, V. A.; Shimuk, Y. D.Article2009Mathematical model of a loaded conical antenna excitationDoroshenko, V. A.; Shimuk, Y. D.
2009Resonance properties of quasiperiodic layered structuresAndreev, M.; Borulko, V.; Drobakhin, O.; Sidorov, D.Article2009Resonance properties of quasiperiodic layered structuresAndreev, M.; Borulko, V.; Drobakhin, O.; Sidorov, D.
2009Influence of reactive sheet resistance on radiation characteristics and dipoles and loop aerials dispersionGerasimovich, G. V.; Jubko, A. P.Article2009Influence of reactive sheet resistance on radiation characteristics and dipoles and loop aerials dispersionGerasimovich, G. V.; Jubko, A. P.
2009Compact multibeam reflector antenna for satellite TV signal receivingVesnik, M. V.Article2009Compact multibeam reflector antenna for satellite TV signal receivingVesnik, M. V.
2009State-of-the-arts reconfigurable antennas – principles, devices, applicationsYashchyshyn, Y. M.Article2009State-of-the-arts reconfigurable antennas – principles, devices, applicationsYashchyshyn, Y. M.
2009Axial symmetric electromagnetic field of the magnetic strip on a finite coneTrishchuk, O. B.; Kuryliak, D. B.Article2009Axial symmetric electromagnetic field of the magnetic strip on a finite coneTrishchuk, O. B.; Kuryliak, D. B.
2009Slotted waveguide antennas for practical radar systemsSekretarov, S. S.; Vavriv, D. M.Article2009Slotted waveguide antennas for practical radar systemsSekretarov, S. S.; Vavriv, D. M.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 108