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Оксидні матеріали електронної техніки – отримання, властивості, застосування. – 2009 р. : [153] Collection home page


У збірнику подані тези доповідей Міжнародного наукового семінару „Оксидні матеріали електронної техніки – отримання, властивості, застосування”. Семінар присвячений актуальним проблемам технології отримання та дослідження структурних, оптичних, магнітних та електрофізичних властивостей оксидних матеріалів, а також можливості їх практичного застосування у пристроях електронної техніки та розроблення нових функціональних пристроїв на їх основі Для науковців та аспірантів, які працюють в галузі фізики оксидних матеріалів.

Oxide materials for electronic engineering - fabrication, properties and application OMEE-2009 : book of abstracts international scientific workshop, June 22-26, 2009, Lviv, Ukraine / Lviv Polytechnic National University. - Lviv, 2009. - 220 p. - Парал. тит. арк. укр.


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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 153
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)PreviewTypeIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009Determination of the thermoluminescence kinetic parameters in Li2B4O7:Ag single crystalsLyamayev, V. I.; Holovey, V. M.article2009Determination of the thermoluminescence kinetic parameters in Li2B4O7:Ag single crystalsLyamayev, V. I.; Holovey, V. M.
2009X-ray luminescence of devitrified Ag, Cu, Mn-doped LI2B4O7Popovich, K. P.; Puga, P. P.; Krasilinec, V. M.; Holovey, V. M.; Puga, G. D.article2009X-ray luminescence of devitrified Ag, Cu, Mn-doped LI2B4O7Popovich, K. P.; Puga, P. P.; Krasilinec, V. M.; Holovey, V. M.; Puga, G. D.
2009The nature of radiation color centers in single crystals Gd2,6Ca0,4Mg0,25Zr0,65Ga4,1O12Kostishyn, V. G.; Shevchuk, V. N.; Bugakova, O. Е.article2009The nature of radiation color centers in single crystals Gd2,6Ca0,4Mg0,25Zr0,65Ga4,1O12Kostishyn, V. G.; Shevchuk, V. N.; Bugakova, O. Е.
2009Magnetic symmetry of the plain domain walls in the plates of cubic ferro- and ferrimagnetsTanygin, B. M.; Tychko, O. V.article2009Magnetic symmetry of the plain domain walls in the plates of cubic ferro- and ferrimagnetsTanygin, B. M.; Tychko, O. V.
2009Study of radiation stimulated processing in corundum monocrysytals by synchrotron radiation excitationHarutunyan, V. V.; Makhov, V. N.; Kirm, M.; Vielhauer, S.article2009Study of radiation stimulated processing in corundum monocrysytals by synchrotron radiation excitationHarutunyan, V. V.; Makhov, V. N.; Kirm, M.; Vielhauer, S.
2009Changes in OH– absorption spectra of pure LiNbO3 during reducing/oxidizing annealingSugak, Yu.; Sugak, D.; Zhydachevskii, Ya.; Buryy, O.; Solskii, I.; Ubizskii, S.; Becker, K.-D.article2009Changes in OH– absorption spectra of pure LiNbO3 during reducing/oxidizing annealingSugak, Yu.; Sugak, D.; Zhydachevskii, Ya.; Buryy, O.; Solskii, I.; Ubizskii, S.; Becker, K.-D.
2009High resolution infrared absorption spectra of hydroxyl related defects in CdWO4 single crystalsKovács, L.; Lengyel, K.; Solskii, I.; Sugak, D.; Mazzera, M.; Capelletti, R.article2009High resolution infrared absorption spectra of hydroxyl related defects in CdWO4 single crystalsKovács, L.; Lengyel, K.; Solskii, I.; Sugak, D.; Mazzera, M.; Capelletti, R.
2009Magnetically induced light scattering in Fe3O4 nanoparticle suspensionMalynych, S. Z.; Ballato, John; Ubizskii, S. B.; Kornev, K.article2009Magnetically induced light scattering in Fe3O4 nanoparticle suspensionMalynych, S. Z.; Ballato, John; Ubizskii, S. B.; Kornev, K.
2009Spectral characteristics of calcium iodide crystals, activated by oxygen- and hydrogen-containing impuritiesNovosad, S. S.; Novosad, I. S.; Khvyschun, I. O.article2009Spectral characteristics of calcium iodide crystals, activated by oxygen- and hydrogen-containing impuritiesNovosad, S. S.; Novosad, I. S.; Khvyschun, I. O.
2009Theoretical modelling of the luminescence spectra of oxide crystals AWO4 (A=Zn, Pb) with defectsNikolaenko, T.; Hizhnyi, Yu.; Nedilko, S.article2009Theoretical modelling of the luminescence spectra of oxide crystals AWO4 (A=Zn, Pb) with defectsNikolaenko, T.; Hizhnyi, Yu.; Nedilko, S.
2009The methods of high-coercivity state induction and test of magneto-optical figure of merit in epitaxial magnetic garnet films for thermomagnetic recordingKostishyn, V. G.; Morchenko, A. T.; Medved’, V. V.; Bugakova, O. E.article2009The methods of high-coercivity state induction and test of magneto-optical figure of merit in epitaxial magnetic garnet films for thermomagnetic recordingKostishyn, V. G.; Morchenko, A. T.; Medved’, V. V.; Bugakova, O. E.
2009Optical absorption and luminescence of chromium doped Gd3Ga5O12 epitaxial filmsZakharko, Ya.; Syvorotka, I. I.; Luchechko, A.; Syvorotka, I. M.; Sugak, D.; Vakiv, M.article2009Optical absorption and luminescence of chromium doped Gd3Ga5O12 epitaxial filmsZakharko, Ya.; Syvorotka, I. I.; Luchechko, A.; Syvorotka, I. M.; Sugak, D.; Vakiv, M.
2009Magnons and phonons excitations in nanosized NiOMironova-Ulmane, N.; Kuzmin, A.; Dizhbite, T.; Sildos, I.; Pärs, M.; Grabis, J.article2009Magnons and phonons excitations in nanosized NiOMironova-Ulmane, N.; Kuzmin, A.; Dizhbite, T.; Sildos, I.; Pärs, M.; Grabis, J.
2009Absorption and birefringent properties of doped calcium gallogermanate crystalsShopa, Yaroslav; Ftomyn, Nazararticle2009Absorption and birefringent properties of doped calcium gallogermanate crystalsShopa, Yaroslav; Ftomyn, Nazar
2009Nonideal boundaries and propagation of bulk magnetoelastic wavesGorobets, Yu. I.; Reshetnyak, S. A.; Khomenko, T. A.article2009Nonideal boundaries and propagation of bulk magnetoelastic wavesGorobets, Yu. I.; Reshetnyak, S. A.; Khomenko, T. A.
2009Equation of state and pressure dependence of lattice parameter of gadolinium gallium garnet crystalsDurygin, A.; Paszkowicz, W.; Buczko, R.; Kaminska, A.; Saxena, S.; Suchocki, A.article2009Equation of state and pressure dependence of lattice parameter of gadolinium gallium garnet crystalsDurygin, A.; Paszkowicz, W.; Buczko, R.; Kaminska, A.; Saxena, S.; Suchocki, A.
2009Application of electronic theory of sintering to the ferrite systemsKopayev, A. V.; Bushkova, V. S.article2009Application of electronic theory of sintering to the ferrite systemsKopayev, A. V.; Bushkova, V. S.
2009Disorder and diffusion in mayeniteBoysen, Hans; Kaiser-Bischoff, Ines; Lerch, Martinarticle2009Disorder and diffusion in mayeniteBoysen, Hans; Kaiser-Bischoff, Ines; Lerch, Martin
2009Preparation and properties of doped Hg-based superconducting copper oxydesBabych, О. Y.; Boyko, Ya. V.; Gabriel, I. I.; Lutciv, R. V.; Matviyiv, M. V.; Vasyuk, M. M.article2009Preparation and properties of doped Hg-based superconducting copper oxydesBabych, О. Y.; Boyko, Ya. V.; Gabriel, I. I.; Lutciv, R. V.; Matviyiv, M. V.; Vasyuk, M. M.
2009High-pressure x-ray diffraction techniques: application to determination of the equation of state of selected multicomponent oxidesPaszkowicz, Wojciecharticle2009High-pressure x-ray diffraction techniques: application to determination of the equation of state of selected multicomponent oxidesPaszkowicz, Wojciech
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 153