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Оксидні матеріали електронної техніки – отримання, властивості, застосування. – 2009 р. : [153] Collection home page


У збірнику подані тези доповідей Міжнародного наукового семінару „Оксидні матеріали електронної техніки – отримання, властивості, застосування”. Семінар присвячений актуальним проблемам технології отримання та дослідження структурних, оптичних, магнітних та електрофізичних властивостей оксидних матеріалів, а також можливості їх практичного застосування у пристроях електронної техніки та розроблення нових функціональних пристроїв на їх основі Для науковців та аспірантів, які працюють в галузі фізики оксидних матеріалів.

Oxide materials for electronic engineering - fabrication, properties and application OMEE-2009 : book of abstracts international scientific workshop, June 22-26, 2009, Lviv, Ukraine / Lviv Polytechnic National University. - Lviv, 2009. - 220 p. - Парал. тит. арк. укр.


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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 153
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)PreviewTypeIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009Magnetically operated corrosion method of high gradient ferromagnetic matrix obtaining for magnetic separation for biomedical applicationsGorobets, S. V.; Bylo, O. M.; Demjanenko, I. V.article2009Magnetically operated corrosion method of high gradient ferromagnetic matrix obtaining for magnetic separation for biomedical applicationsGorobets, S. V.; Bylo, O. M.; Demjanenko, I. V.
2009Ultrafine alloyed forsterite powders obtained by sol-gel methodVakhula, Ya.; Borshchyshyn, I.; Lutsyuk, І.article2009Ultrafine alloyed forsterite powders obtained by sol-gel methodVakhula, Ya.; Borshchyshyn, I.; Lutsyuk, І.
2009The mechanism and kinetics of formation of the aurivillius phases Bi2MNbTiO9 (M=Bi, rare earth)Grincevich, T. G.; Missyul, A. B.; Zvereva, I. A.article2009The mechanism and kinetics of formation of the aurivillius phases Bi2MNbTiO9 (M=Bi, rare earth)Grincevich, T. G.; Missyul, A. B.; Zvereva, I. A.
2009Optimization of thermal conditions at czochralski growth of rare-earth silikate single crystalsVasyliev, V.; Kurtsev, D.; Sidletskiy, O.; Grinyov, B.; Kalaev, V.; Mazaev, K.article2009Optimization of thermal conditions at czochralski growth of rare-earth silikate single crystalsVasyliev, V.; Kurtsev, D.; Sidletskiy, O.; Grinyov, B.; Kalaev, V.; Mazaev, K.
2009Luminescence of doped with Cr, Ti and Mn ions ABP2O7 phosphatesNedilko, S.article2009Luminescence of doped with Cr, Ti and Mn ions ABP2O7 phosphatesNedilko, S.
2009Crystal structure and characterization of a new complex phosphate KCsBi3P3O13Zatovsky, I. V.; Baumer, V. N.; Strutynska, N. Yu.; Slobodyanik, M. S.; Terebilenko, K. V.article2009Crystal structure and characterization of a new complex phosphate KCsBi3P3O13Zatovsky, I. V.; Baumer, V. N.; Strutynska, N. Yu.; Slobodyanik, M. S.; Terebilenko, K. V.
2009Elements of morphology of strained epitaxial garnet filmsNedviga, A. S.; Nesteruk, A. G.; Vishnevskii, V. G.; Milyukova, H. T.; Berzhansky, V. N.; Karavainikov, A. V.; Danishevskaya, H. V.; Shaposhnikov, A. N.article2009Elements of morphology of strained epitaxial garnet filmsNedviga, A. S.; Nesteruk, A. G.; Vishnevskii, V. G.; Milyukova, H. T.; Berzhansky, V. N.; Karavainikov, A. V.; Danishevskaya, H. V.; Shaposhnikov, A. N.
2009Interaction of components in PrAlO3- AND LaAlO3-based systemsBasyuk, T.; Vasylechko, L.; Fadeev, S.; Berezovets, V.; Trots, D.; Niewa, R.article2009Interaction of components in PrAlO3- AND LaAlO3-based systemsBasyuk, T.; Vasylechko, L.; Fadeev, S.; Berezovets, V.; Trots, D.; Niewa, R.
2009The influence of additives of cobalt on structure ordering of manganese dioxide prepared from fluorinecontainng electrolytesSokolsky, G.; Ivanov, S.; Ivanova, N.; Boldurev, Y.; Kobulinskaya, O.; Demchenko, M.article2009The influence of additives of cobalt on structure ordering of manganese dioxide prepared from fluorinecontainng electrolytesSokolsky, G.; Ivanov, S.; Ivanova, N.; Boldurev, Y.; Kobulinskaya, O.; Demchenko, M.
2009Beyond AL2TIO5: AL6TI2O13 and structural models for intergrowth structures in the phase diagram AL2O3 – TIO2Hoffmann, Stefan; Yoshimura, Masahiroarticle2009Beyond AL2TIO5: AL6TI2O13 and structural models for intergrowth structures in the phase diagram AL2O3 – TIO2Hoffmann, Stefan; Yoshimura, Masahiro
2009Domain states in perovskite structure of GdFeO3 typeSavytskii, D.; Tataryn, T.; Bismayer, U.article2009Domain states in perovskite structure of GdFeO3 typeSavytskii, D.; Tataryn, T.; Bismayer, U.
2009New cobaltites and chromites with a distorted K2NiF4 type of structureVasylechko, L.; Fedorchuk, A.; Trots, D.; Prots, Yu.; Schmidt, M.; Hoffmann, S.article2009New cobaltites and chromites with a distorted K2NiF4 type of structureVasylechko, L.; Fedorchuk, A.; Trots, D.; Prots, Yu.; Schmidt, M.; Hoffmann, S.
2009In-operando neutron scattering studies of Li-ion batteriesSenyshyn, A.; Ehrenberg, H.; Mühlbauer, M.; Fuess, H.article2009In-operando neutron scattering studies of Li-ion batteriesSenyshyn, A.; Ehrenberg, H.; Mühlbauer, M.; Fuess, H.
2009Local phenomena in metamict mineralsBismayer, Ulli; Paulmann, Carstenarticle2009Local phenomena in metamict mineralsBismayer, Ulli; Paulmann, Carsten
2009Crystal structure refinement of [M2Cu2O3]m[CuO2]n spin-ladder ompounds in 4D spaceZaremba, O.; Akselrud, L.; Gladyshevskii, R.article2009Crystal structure refinement of [M2Cu2O3]m[CuO2]n spin-ladder ompounds in 4D spaceZaremba, O.; Akselrud, L.; Gladyshevskii, R.
2009Modeling of heat and mass transfer at growth of large size BGO crystalsGalenin, E.; Vasyliev, V.; Gerasimov, Ya.; Kalaev, V.; Mazaev, K.; Sidletskiy, O.; Tkachenko, S.article2009Modeling of heat and mass transfer at growth of large size BGO crystalsGalenin, E.; Vasyliev, V.; Gerasimov, Ya.; Kalaev, V.; Mazaev, K.; Sidletskiy, O.; Tkachenko, S.
2009Nanopowders of lutetium oxide and compacts on their basisDulina, N. A.; Matveevskaya, N. A.; Yermolayeva, Y. V.; Yavetskiy, R. P.; Sergienko, Z. P.; Vovk, E. A.; Tolmachev, A. V.article2009Nanopowders of lutetium oxide and compacts on their basisDulina, N. A.; Matveevskaya, N. A.; Yermolayeva, Y. V.; Yavetskiy, R. P.; Sergienko, Z. P.; Vovk, E. A.; Tolmachev, A. V.
2009Crystal growth and structure characterization of rare earth double tungstateIwanowski, P.; Domukhovski, V.; Berkowski, M.article2009Crystal growth and structure characterization of rare earth double tungstateIwanowski, P.; Domukhovski, V.; Berkowski, M.
2009Research and development ZnBO4 (B=W,Mo) crystal scintillators for search of rare processes in astrophysicsDubovik, A. M.; Vostretsov, Yu. Ya.; Grynyov, B. V.; Danevich, F. A.; Kraus, H.; Nagornaja, L. L.; Mikhailik, V. B.; Tupitsyna, I. A.article2009Research and development ZnBO4 (B=W,Mo) crystal scintillators for search of rare processes in astrophysicsDubovik, A. M.; Vostretsov, Yu. Ya.; Grynyov, B. V.; Danevich, F. A.; Kraus, H.; Nagornaja, L. L.; Mikhailik, V. B.; Tupitsyna, I. A.
2009Influence of structure of Ni-ZrO2 sofc anode on its electrochemical propertiesBrodnikovskyi, Iegor; Chedryk, Valeriy; Vasylyev, Oleksandrarticle2009Influence of structure of Ni-ZrO2 sofc anode on its electrochemical propertiesBrodnikovskyi, Iegor; Chedryk, Valeriy; Vasylyev, Oleksandr
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 153