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Title: Marketing aspects of export politics of the state
Other Titles: Маркетингові аспекти експортної політики держави
Authors: Gerasymchuk, V.
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Gerasymchuk V. Marketing aspects of export politics of the state / V. Gerasymchuk // Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка". Серія: Логістика : збірник наукових праць. – 2016. – № 848 . – С. 3–11. – Bibliography: 7 titles.
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Keywords: конкурентоспроможність
експортна політика
маркетингові аспекти
національна економіка
якість життя
export politics
marketing aspects
national economy
quality of life
Abstract: Досліджено характерні особливості реалізації експортних поставок на ключових етапах економічного розвитку країни. На підставі проведеного аналізу динаміки, структури та ефективності українського експорту основних проблем розвинено реалізацію експортних операцій. Запропоновано заходи із вдосконалення застосування маркетингових інструментів у просуванні вітчизняних товарів на зарубіжні ринки – “4Р”. Розроблено рекомендації для зміцнення експортного потенціалу як важливої складової забезпечення економічної безпеки країни. The characteristic features of realization of export deliveries are investigational on the key stages of economic development of country. On the basis of the conducted analysis of dynamics, structure and efficiency of the Ukrainian export basic problems are educed in realization of export operations. Measures are offered on perfection of application of marketing instruments in advancement of home commodities to the foreign markets – "4Р". It is impossible to dissociate the problems of strengthening of export potential of country from the necessity of observance of next requirements: upgrading of education and level of form; deep, but not superficial study of mathematics, physicists, chemistry and other exact sciences; valid attitude toward science and scientists; presence of strategy of industrial development in a country; proper level of quality of life etc. are found. Ukraine occupies, for example, position № 1 in the world on a production and export of sunflower-seed oil. In 2014 the 4, 48 million tons of the unrefined vegetable oil were produced, that on 30,8 % more than in 2013 80 % is supplied this agrarian products in 109 countries of the world. A stake of hi-tech commodities is in 2014 made only about 3 % from the general volume of export of commodities ($1, 65 milliards). This index considerably yields to the middle world level and below most the developed countries. By the primary objective of project of state export strategy on 2016–2020 there is transformation of export on the important factor of the economy growing, creation of workplaces and increase of social standards. The presence of such program must assist the increase of efficiency of export activity of country on the basis of expansion of range of goods, improvement of their quality descriptions, improvement of commodity and geographical structure of export, use of progressive forms of international trade and economic cooperation. Strategy of development of export potential of country must decide the whole complex of the accumulated problems in this sphere of mutual relations with the outer world, to assist expansion of participation of national commodity producers in the international division of labor on the mutually beneficial terms. Recommendations are worked out on strengthening of export potential as important constituent providing of economic security of country. One of main problems in export politics is absence of the proper responsibility (moral and material) from the side of workers of state and business structures, political and public figures at initiation, development, acceptance, statement, realization and control on implementation made decision at all levels of management is established.
Content type: Article
Appears in Collections:Логістика. – 2016. – №848

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