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dc.contributor.authorДума, О. І.-
dc.contributor.authorПашко, Б. Б.-
dc.identifier.citationДума О. І. Розроблення методології створення нових туристичних продуктів в умовах конкурентного ринку / О. І. Дума, Б. Б. Пашко // Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка". Серія: Менеджмент та підприємництво в Україні: етапи становлення і проблеми розвитку : збірник наукових праць. – 2015. – № 819. – С. 129–135. – Бібліографія: 12 назв.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractОхарактеризовано поведінку споживачів під час купівлі товару; визначено, які типи споживачів є у туристичній галузі; описано процес просування на ринок товару-новинки; окреслено ключові вимоги ринку до створення нових туристичних продуктів. Розроблено методологію створення нових туристичних продуктів в умовах конкурентного ринку. In the twentieth century tourism became a mass phenomenon and its importance for any country is growing with each coming year. To meet the needs of consumers it’s necessary to create a new interesting tourist product, which should be put in the centre of marketing strategy. Tourism has been long analyzed as one of the most profitable and intensively developed areas of the world economy. Tourism development plays an important role in solving social problems. The burst of tourism occurred due to increasing the purchasing power of the middle class, increased free time and the growing number of private vehicles or cheap transportation. Tourism has spread to new territories and countries. In today's world it is a powerful industry and a huge complex. For a tourist organization to make a profit and to be a leader in sales of tours it is not enough just to provide a full range of services. First of all, tourist organizations need to move forward and improve their activities in different directions. For the development of tourism companies it is important to attract new ways to improve their activities. It is necessary to develop new tours, which competitors don’t have. The tourist market is a system of economic, social and legal relations that link the tourist product manufacturers and consumers interested in a certain kind of tourism product and who are able to implement them. The tourist market is outlined in the form of interaction of its four main aspects: the tourist services demand, the tourist services supply, their price, and competition. As it is known, tourism is one of the most profitable businesses. That is why the need for a clear strategy of a business and its tourist products promotion is the main task. The consumer purchasing behavior has been characterized in the article; the types of customers in the tourism industry have been determined; the process of promotion of the innovative service has been described. The key demands of the market to the development of new tourism services have been outlined. The methodology of new tourism service in conditions of highly competitive market has been developed. The article deals with designing a new tourist product, the formation of the tour based on the characteristics of human behavior, the effect of inherent social aspects and actions on purchasing behavior of consumers. The methodology of new tourism service in conditions of highly competitive market has been developed. It is demonstrated that application of theoretical developments of scientists to analyzing the demand, environment, and peculiarities of the travel companies operation allows to form the tourist product being competitive under these market conditions.uk_UA
dc.publisherВидавництво Львівської політехнікиuk_UA
dc.subjectповедінка споживачівuk_UA
dc.subjectтуристичний продуктuk_UA
dc.subjectефект Вебленаuk_UA
dc.subjectефект снобізмуuk_UA
dc.subjectефект приєднання до більшостіuk_UA
dc.subjectconsumer behavioruk_UA
dc.subjecttourism productuk_UA
dc.subjectthe effect of "Veblen"uk_UA
dc.subjectsnobbery effectuk_UA
dc.subjectbandwagon effectuk_UA
dc.titleРозроблення методології створення нових туристичних продуктів в умовах конкурентного ринкуuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeMethodology of creating new tourism products in a competitive marketuk_UA
Appears in Collections:Менеджмент та підприємництво в Україні: етапи становлення і проблеми розвитку. – 2015. – №819

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