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Економіка і менеджмент (EM-2013 ). – 2013 р. : [80] Collection home page

У збірнику опубліковано матеріали конференції, присвяченої проблемам у галузі економіки, менеджменту, маркетингу, обліку та аналізу, фінансів. Видання призначено для науковців, аспірантів, студентів.

Економіка і менеджмент : матеріали ІIІ Міжнародної конференції молодих вчених ЕМ-2013, 21–23 листопада 2013 р., Львів, Україна / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Національний університет "Львівська політехніка". – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013. – 214 с. : іл. – (4-й Міжнародний молодіжний фестиваль науки "Litteris et Artibus"). – Паралельний титульний аркуш англійською.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 80
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)PreviewTypeIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013Methods of professional recruitment in agrarian companiesDidur, CatherineArticle2013Methods of professional recruitment in agrarian companiesDidur, Catherine
2013Investing in education as direction of development of human capitalMakhnovets, Nina; Pozniakova, OlenaArticle2013Investing in education as direction of development of human capitalMakhnovets, Nina; Pozniakova, Olena
2013The personnel management of a hotelBarchan, Victoria; Zhiratkov, OlegArticle2013The personnel management of a hotelBarchan, Victoria; Zhiratkov, Oleg
2013Factors influencing corporate governance in Ukrainian companiesAfanasieva, LarysaArticle2013Factors influencing corporate governance in Ukrainian companiesAfanasieva, Larysa
2013Social capital in fostering the creativity of a city Assessment of the role of social networking sites in the diffusion of knowledge in a cityKina, Ewelina; Przygodzki, ZbigniewArticle2013Social capital in fostering the creativity of a city Assessment of the role of social networking sites in the diffusion of knowledge in a cityKina, Ewelina; Przygodzki, Zbigniew
2013The role of culture as a stimulator of transforming industrial cities into creative ones. Case study of Lodz, PolandSokołowicz, Mariusz E.; Zasina, JakubArticle2013The role of culture as a stimulator of transforming industrial cities into creative ones. Case study of Lodz, PolandSokołowicz, Mariusz E.; Zasina, Jakub
2013Social enterprise in UkraineDubyk, Kateryna; Pozniakova, OlenaArticle2013Social enterprise in UkraineDubyk, Kateryna; Pozniakova, Olena
2013The characteristic of marketing macro environment of European developing countries and Ukraine for company's marketing activityPeresadko, Galina; Bakastov, IhorArticle2013The characteristic of marketing macro environment of European developing countries and Ukraine for company's marketing activityPeresadko, Galina; Bakastov, Ihor
2013Financial Provision of Oil and Gas Complex as Foreground Direction of Ukraine’s Economy DevelopmentKostenko, Yevgenii; Topol, VladyslavArticle2013Financial Provision of Oil and Gas Complex as Foreground Direction of Ukraine’s Economy DevelopmentKostenko, Yevgenii; Topol, Vladyslav
2013The Theoretical Aspects Of Foreign Economic ActivityChernysh, Iryna; Haricheva, SvitlanaArticle2013The Theoretical Aspects Of Foreign Economic ActivityChernysh, Iryna; Haricheva, Svitlana
2013Impact of global financial crisis on the economy of UkraineTurko, Vasyl; Mukan, AndriyArticle2013Impact of global financial crisis on the economy of UkraineTurko, Vasyl; Mukan, Andriy
2013The role of pawnshops in the loan market: Ukrainian and foreign experienceShkvarchuk, Liudmyla; Vitalii, HamaliiArticle2013The role of pawnshops in the loan market: Ukrainian and foreign experienceShkvarchuk, Liudmyla; Vitalii, Hamalii
2013Budgetary potential and budget planning systemZhebchuk, RomanArticle2013Budgetary potential and budget planning systemZhebchuk, Roman
2013Analysis of investment activity of Ukrainian commercial banksShevchenko, NataliiaArticle2013Analysis of investment activity of Ukrainian commercial banksShevchenko, Nataliia
2013«Bear» exchange traded funds as the innovative investment and hedging instrument for the Ukrainian equity marketRoiko, IgorArticle2013«Bear» exchange traded funds as the innovative investment and hedging instrument for the Ukrainian equity marketRoiko, Igor
2013Features of Ukrainian Railway Pricing PolicyOstapenko, Mykyta; Zhezhera, Anastasiya; Galushko, OlenaArticle2013Features of Ukrainian Railway Pricing PolicyOstapenko, Mykyta; Zhezhera, Anastasiya; Galushko, Olena
2013Prospect of Ukrainian large enterprises investments growth due the program for development of pension funds' elaboratingKulinich, Tetyana; Zhayvoronok, IllyaArticle2013Prospect of Ukrainian large enterprises investments growth due the program for development of pension funds' elaboratingKulinich, Tetyana; Zhayvoronok, Illya
2013Tax incentives for investment support of production restructuring of enterprisesKryvetskyi, Ihor; Muzhelyak, MyroslavaArticle2013Tax incentives for investment support of production restructuring of enterprisesKryvetskyi, Ihor; Muzhelyak, Myroslava
2013Formation of the System of Internal Factors of Investment Attractiveness of the Bank as an Object of M&AYaremenko, NataliiaArticle2013Formation of the System of Internal Factors of Investment Attractiveness of the Bank as an Object of M&AYaremenko, Nataliia
2013Actual Risks In the International Tourist ActivityBednarska, Olha; Kulynyak, IhorArticle2013Actual Risks In the International Tourist ActivityBednarska, Olha; Kulynyak, Ihor
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 80