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Title: Історико-культурна спадщина України у цивілізаційному діалозі
Authors: Матлай, Л. С.
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Матлай Л. С. Історико-культурна спадщина України у цивілізаційному діалозі / Л. С. Матлай // Historical and Cultural Studies. – 2014. – Volume 1, number 1. – P. 45–48. – Бібліографія: 9 назв.
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University
Abstract: Уточнено понятійно-категоріальний апарат із проблематики дослідження. Проаналізовано історичні аспекти становлення європейської цивілізації та культурної спадщини. Досліджено роль культурної дипломатії у вираженні національної ідентичності. Підкреслено важливість постійного та взаємного діалогу національних культур для політичного, економічного та культурного зближення народів Європи та світу. Розглянуто діяльність України щодо оновлення Списку світової спадщини ЮНЕСКО. The article clarifies the conceptual apparatus of the study. The historical aspects of the formation of European civilization and cultural heritage have been analyzed. The role of cultural diplomacy in terms of national identity has been described. The importance of continuous dialogue and mutual national culture for the political, economic and cultural rapprochement between the peoples of Europe and the world were emphasized. The activity of Ukraine by updating the List of World historical and cultural heritage was examined. Definition of “the cultural heritage” makes it an article 1 of Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (1972 р.): monuments: architectural works, works of monumental sculpture and painting, elements or structures of an archaeological nature, inscriptions, cave dwellings and combinations of features, which are of outstanding universal value from the point of view of history, art or science; groups of buildings: groups of separate or connected buildings which, because of their architecture, their homogeneity or their place in the landscape, are of outstanding universal value from the point of view of history, art or science; sites: works of man or the combined works of nature and man, and areas including archaeological sites which are of outstanding universal value from the historical, aesthetic, ethnological or anthropological point of view. Ukraine is inseparable part of European civilization with its past, as well as with its present, by assuming its commitment to establishment of democracy. Ukraine has a rich historical and cultural heritage. Cultural heritage was created by past generations material and spiritual values that are a part of the national wealth that is important for the preservation and development of the identity of nation.In the List of world historical and cultural heritage of United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization, 12 December 1990 were included two well -known attractions - Kiev: Saint-Sophia Cathedral with an ensemble of the monastery buildings and the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. Today in the List of UNESCO are Sophia Cathedral complex of monastic buildings; Kiev-Pechersk Lavra; L’viv – the Ensemble of the Historic Centre; the Residence of the metropolitans of Bukovina and Dalmatia (Chernivtsi); cross-border facility - Struve Geodetic Arc, passing through the territory of 10 European countries. In Ukraine nowadays made additional proposals prior to the World Heritage List, including: Bakhchisaray Khan palace, reserve “Askaniya Nova” and “Chersonese Tavriyskyy”; cultural landscape and canyon in Kamenetz- Podilskyj, the historical center of Chernihova, park “Sofiyivka”; Taras Shevchenko Tomb and State Historical and Natural Museum – Reserve. The Lviv Region, which ranks second, out of 24 regions in Ukraine, in terms of the quantity of heritage sites on its territory. The Lviv Region boasts 8,441 cultural sights, including 816 sites of national significance. Today, the state has to preserve Ukrainian identity through culture, to form and consolidate a civil nation, to retain Ukrainian cultural diversity, to develop Ukrainian cultural industries and to promote Ukraine in the wider world.
Content type: Article
Appears in Collections:Historical And Cultural Studies. – 2014. – Vol. 1, No. 1

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