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dc.contributor.authorМина, Ж. В.-
dc.contributor.authorПелещишин, А. М.-
dc.identifier.citationМина Ж. В. Колективне суспільне документування історичних процесів збройних формувань України періоду національно-визвольної революції 1917–1921 рр. в українській Вікіпедії / Ж. В. Мина, А. М. Пелещишин // Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка". – 2014. – № 784 : Держава та армія. – С. 204–213. – Бібліографія: 8 назв.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractДосліджуються особливості колективного суспільного документування історичних процесів збройних формувань України періоду національно-визвольної революції 1917– 1921 рр. в українській Вікіпедії. Моніторинг матеріалів української Вікіпедії свідчить про те, що інформація щодо Збройних сил зазначеного періоду потрібна і цікава як для наукового співтовариства, так і для широкого загалу громадськості. This article considers the current problem of investigation of the collective public documentation of the historical process of Ukrainian armed formation in the period of national liberation revolution of 1917–1921 in Ukrainian Wikipedia. Today Ukrainian Wikipedia has insufficient number of articles about the Armed Forces formation in the time of Ukrainian national liberation revolution of 1917–1921. The first wiki-article in this issue in the November 2007 is published. It was a brief article that a summary is contained. Gradually it is complemented and intensified of sources. Thus, in the first wiki-article “Army of Ukrainian National Republic” the just one reference to the “Small Dictionary of History of Ukraine” (edited by Valeriy Smoliy) is contained and the next wiki-article references to authors-memoirists are contained. The text in further version of wiki-article is structured. Appearing the following sections of wiki-article: 1) Precondition; 2) Structure; 3) Hostilities; 4) The end of existence of Army of Ukrainian National Republic. The beginning of the article is the definition which is as follows: “The Army of Ukrainian National Republic (The Ukrainian People’s Army, also known as the UNA, Naddnipryanska Army, Effective Army) – The armed forces of the UNA during the Ukrainian national liberation movement in 1917–21 years; formation that established on the basis the ukrainian parts of Russian Imperial Army, volunteer detachments, “Ukrainian Sich Riflemen", “Free Cossacks” and galicians which are prisoners of war.” In 26 January 2008, the first archival photograph of soldiers of the Ukrainian People’s Republic is appeared in an article. It is quite understandable that the article required the editing, refining, expanding of information. The expansion of content that is added to sections and received clarification in item by item is resulted. However, the source base is not expanded, and basic information gathered from the afore-cited sources. In 2 August, 2009 a significant addition – chapter 10 that titled as “See also” is appeared. A new article “Awards of UNR” is written, which starts its own history as collective document. Nowadays this article is meaningful and it contains tables, photo documents and video archive. The Russian version of article “Army of Ukrainian National Republic” is in a condensed form than Ukrainian version of this article. There are no references in two variants of article. It is a common drawback of most wiki-articles that giving specific data without references to primary source. English version is also different from the Ukrainian version. The some sections are separated. These sections in the previous version are distributed. For example, section “Ranks and insignia”. It presents the military ranks of the end of 1917: Otaman Frontu, Otaman Armii, Otaman Korpusu, Otaman Divizii, Otaman Brihady (Brigadier general). Thus, at present there are many documents and sources available to scientists on the Internet with the exception of the traditional system of libraries and archives. Their successful use of requires from users the knowledge of the general structure and mechanisms of work in global information network, the successful compilation of requests to search engines and databases and skills of critical estimate of resources of historic thematic. Nowadays the collective public documentation of the historical process of Ukrainian armed formation in the period of national liberation revolution of 1917–1921 in Ukrainian Wikipedia is not completely considered. There are a number of difficulties. The solution of these difficulties a unified strategy of research is required. The real influence and participation of historians to create pages with using the reliable sources are needed. A lot of unresolved issues concerning documentation of the historical process of Ukrainian armed formation in the period of national liberation revolution of 1917–1921 in Ukrainian Wikipedia are arisen before historians.uk_UA
dc.publisherВидавництво Львівської політехнікиuk_UA
dc.subjectісторичні процесиuk_UA
dc.subjectзбройні формуванняuk_UA
dc.subjecthistorical processesuk_UA
dc.subjectarmed forminguk_UA
dc.titleКолективне суспільне документування історичних процесів збройних формувань України періоду національно-визвольної революції 1917–1921 рр. в українській Вікіпедіїuk_UA
Appears in Collections:Держава та армія. – 2014. – №784

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