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dc.contributor.authorКоваль, М. В.-
dc.identifier.citationКоваль М. В. Довготривала фортифікація на теренах України: ретроспекція / М. В. Коваль // Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка". – 2014. – № 784 : Держава та армія. – С. 188–196. – Бібліографія: 49 назв.uk_UA
dc.identifier.otherУДК 623.415-
dc.description.abstractДосліджено проблеми розвитку довготривалої фортифікації на теренах України в контексті історії світової фортифікації. The article concerns the problem of development of long-term fortification within the territory of Ukraine in the context of history of world fortification. The author defines the notion of fortification constructions as artificial construction built in order to be protected from enemies. Besides the author stresses upon the historical aspect of fortification constructions and it has been pointed that people started building the fortification constructions at the definite stage of their development – in the period of transferring to camp and class society. From that time the phenomenon of war became a permanent companion of human communities and open settlements of primitive era gradually turned into fortified settlements of tribal communities – ancient sites. In Ukraine such fortification construction appeared in the ІV–ІІІth millennia B.C. They were enomous fortified settlements reaching 300 – 400 ha. Later forms of long-term fortification gradually changed that depended on the development of offensive armament – first of all artillery. Generally in the history four periods are distinguished. They are the following: From ancient times to appearance of firearms (to the middle of XIVth century); From XIVth century to implementation of rifled artillery (to the middle of XIXth century); For the middle of XIXth century to 1885, invention of high-explosive bomb; From the period of high-explosive bomb until today. According to these periods of history of world fortification the author draws attention towards constructions of long-term fortification built on the territory of Ukraine: in the times of Trypillian culture and following archeological cultures; Scythian settlements; watch and defence system on south frontiers of Kyiv Rus; castles of the Polish Kingdom; defence sector, outpost, fortresses of the Russian empire; fortified lines and fortified sections of the Soviet period etc. The Slavic people followed the traditions of their predecessors and they organized defence and protection by means of ramparts that were aimed at performing of functions of watchtowers. Besides the settlements were fortified. The examples of these fortified settlements can be seen on the territory of Ukraine. Currently they are estimated to 1500 places. The size of fortification depended on the size of the settlements: small villages had one rampart and some ditches, but town were protected with fortification from two or three ramparts. The Galicia-Volyn principality developed new type of fortification for ptotection of the country’s borders: towns-fortresses. The Prince Danylo Halytskyi built more than 70 fortresses that frightened The Mongolian and Tatar troops. Later separate outposts were built. The system was effective for protection from unexpected invasions. The further development of fortification constructions concerned pentagonal building – bastion. The number of bastions increased and they comprised fortification line. The fortification line approach was rather efficient and it ensured safety for the inhabitants of the country. But the development of weapon resulted in necessity of improvement of fortification construction as well. The demolition bomb could destroy any bastion and new type of fortification appeared – fortified groups. They concerned long-term stronghold and they ensured reliable protection from new weapons. The Ukrainians military engineers followed German constructors and organized they fortification system by the example of Feste or Panzergruppen fortified groups. The period between two world wars was very productive for fortification construction. Military engineers developed many approaches to fortification systems. In Ukraine scientists distinguish three stages of building fortification construction in this period. At the first stage (1929–1936) principal fortification constructions were built: Kyiv, Korosten, Letychiv, Novohrad-Volynskyi, Mohyliv-Yampil, Pybnytskyi, and Typaspol fortififed areas. At the second stage (1938–1939) Ostropil, Didovichi, Shepetivka-Starokostiantyniv, Proskuriv and Kamianets-Podilskyi fortification area were built. An the third (1940–1941) one touches upon construction of Kovel, Volodymyr-Volynskyi, Strimulovskyi, Rava-Ruska, Peremyshl and Chernivtsi fortification area. In conclusion, the author asserts that the problem of fortification preparation has been existing during the whole history of human civilization. Ukraine was not an exception, moreover, long-term fortification was a permanent companion of people’s life because of geopolitical reasons.uk_UA
dc.publisherВидавництво Львівської політехнікиuk_UA
dc.subjectдовготривала фортифікаціяuk_UA
dc.subjectукріплене поселенняuk_UA
dc.subjectоборонна спорудаuk_UA
dc.subjectукріплений районuk_UA
dc.subjectlong-term fortificationuk_UA
dc.subjectfortified settlementuk_UA
dc.subjectdefence constructionuk_UA
dc.subjectgun slotuk_UA
dc.subjectfortified sectionuk_UA
dc.titleДовготривала фортифікація на теренах України: ретроспекціяuk_UA
Appears in Collections:Держава та армія. – 2014. – №784

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