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Title: The innovative approach to the study of decision-making in the context of the specific character of a product of managerial work
Authors: Vysochina, M.
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Vysochina M. The innovative approach to the study of decision-making in the context of the specific character of a product of managerial work / M. Vysochina // Econtechmod : an international quarterly journal on economics in technology, new technologies and modelling processes. – Lublin ; Rzeszow, 2014. – Volum 3, number 2. – P. 87–92. – Bibliography: 24 titles.
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture
Keywords: managerial work
administrative decision
Abstract: The article is devoted to the review of the administrative decision from the point of view of а product of managerial work. The nature and content of managerial work is studied. The research of parameters of managerial work is conducted, its features are identified. The specific characteristics of the administrative decision as a product of managerial work are identified.
Content type: Article
Appears in Collections:Econtechmod. – 2014. – Vol. 3, No. 2

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