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Computational Problems Of Electrical Engineering. – 2012. – Vol. 2, No. 1 : [28] Collection home page


The scientific-technical journal

Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering = Обчислювальні проблеми електротехніки : the scientific-technical journal / Lviv Politechnic National University ; editor-in-chief Yuriy Bobalo. – Lviv : Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2012. – Volume 2, number 1. – 154 р.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 28
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)PreviewTypeIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Зміст до "Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering" Volume 2, number 1-Other2012Зміст до "Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering" Volume 2, number 1-
2012Preparation of papers for CPEE (Font: Times New Roman, type size: 14, uppercase letters, bold, interval before and after: 12 pt, style title)-Article2012Preparation of papers for CPEE (Font: Times New Roman, type size: 14, uppercase letters, bold, interval before and after: 12 pt, style title)-
2012Distribution of current density on the perimeter of a cylindrical conductor of a waveguide’s vibroexciterZakharia, YosypArticle2012Distribution of current density on the perimeter of a cylindrical conductor of a waveguide’s vibroexciterZakharia, Yosyp
2012Scanning television optical microscope for biological microobjects researchShkliarskyi, Volodymyr; Prudyus, Ivan; Pedan, AnatoliyArticle2012Scanning television optical microscope for biological microobjects researchShkliarskyi, Volodymyr; Prudyus, Ivan; Pedan, Anatoliy
2012Current differential relay with fault location and synchronisation of measurements functionsRosolowski, Eugeniusz; Izykowski, Jan; Saha, Murari MohanArticle2012Current differential relay with fault location and synchronisation of measurements functionsRosolowski, Eugeniusz; Izykowski, Jan; Saha, Murari Mohan
2012Properties of probability productive dependencies in the data analysis of large data volumesPshenychnyi, OleksandrArticle2012Properties of probability productive dependencies in the data analysis of large data volumesPshenychnyi, Oleksandr
2012Symmetry of differential equations of electromagnetic field in immovable mediumTchaban, VasylArticle2012Symmetry of differential equations of electromagnetic field in immovable mediumTchaban, Vasyl
2012Improving the efficiency of electronic monitoring systems at potentially hazardous objects based on optimization of group sensorsPospelov, Borys; Shevchenko, Roman; Balan, AndriyArticle2012Improving the efficiency of electronic monitoring systems at potentially hazardous objects based on optimization of group sensorsPospelov, Borys; Shevchenko, Roman; Balan, Andriy
2012Switched reluctance motor with buffer of energy and its mathematical modelTkachuk, VasylArticle2012Switched reluctance motor with buffer of energy and its mathematical modelTkachuk, Vasyl
2012Modelling of electrodynamic properties of structures with N-multiple periodicityPavlysh, Volodymyr; Hoblyk, Viktor; Nychai, Iryna; Liske, OleksijArticle2012Modelling of electrodynamic properties of structures with N-multiple periodicityPavlysh, Volodymyr; Hoblyk, Viktor; Nychai, Iryna; Liske, Oleksij
2012New possibilities of monitoring electric power quality by means of wavelet-transform apparatusVanko, Volodymyr; Stolyarchuk, PetroArticle2012New possibilities of monitoring electric power quality by means of wavelet-transform apparatusVanko, Volodymyr; Stolyarchuk, Petro
2012Сreating electronic device macromodels by quadratic and Сhebyshev approximationMatviychuk, Yaroslav; Malachivsky, Peter; Hasko, RomanArticle2012Сreating electronic device macromodels by quadratic and Сhebyshev approximationMatviychuk, Yaroslav; Malachivsky, Peter; Hasko, Roman
2012Investigation of the influence of capacitor in the excitation winding circuit of a synchronous motor on its starting torqueMalyar, Vasyl; Dobushovska, IrynaArticle2012Investigation of the influence of capacitor in the excitation winding circuit of a synchronous motor on its starting torqueMalyar, Vasyl; Dobushovska, Iryna
2012Searching the relevant precedents in dataspaces based on adaptive ontologyLytvyn, Vasyl; Shakhovska, Natalya; Pasichnyk, Volodymyr; Dosyn, DmytroArticle2012Searching the relevant precedents in dataspaces based on adaptive ontologyLytvyn, Vasyl; Shakhovska, Natalya; Pasichnyk, Volodymyr; Dosyn, Dmytro
2012Multilayered sensor structures for intelligent conlrol systemsKlym, Halyna; Kostiv, YuriyArticle2012Multilayered sensor structures for intelligent conlrol systemsKlym, Halyna; Kostiv, Yuriy
2012Voltage control in the stator circuit of cage induction machine operating as generator in small scale hydropower plantKandyba, Andrzej; Kalus, Marian; Kurytnik, Igor PiotrArticle2012Voltage control in the stator circuit of cage induction machine operating as generator in small scale hydropower plantKandyba, Andrzej; Kalus, Marian; Kurytnik, Igor Piotr
2012Сomputation of positive stable realizations for discrete-time linear systemsKaczorek, TadeuszArticle2012Сomputation of positive stable realizations for discrete-time linear systemsKaczorek, Tadeusz
2012Linear-mode operation of a high-order single-bit sigma-delta modulatorKochan, RomanArticle2012Linear-mode operation of a high-order single-bit sigma-delta modulatorKochan, Roman
2012Сonstruction of invariant difference and discrete analogues of differential operators of high order discretization errorHowykowycz, MariyaArticle2012Сonstruction of invariant difference and discrete analogues of differential operators of high order discretization errorHowykowycz, Mariya
2012Improved solution of Cramer-Rao lower bound for TOA/RSS localizationHolotyak, Taras; Voloshynovskiy, Serhiy; Rolim, Jose; Prudyus, IvanArticle2012Improved solution of Cramer-Rao lower bound for TOA/RSS localizationHolotyak, Taras; Voloshynovskiy, Serhiy; Rolim, Jose; Prudyus, Ivan
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 28