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Сучасні проблеми радіоелектроніки, телекомунікацій, комп'ютерної інженерії (TCSET’2012). – 2012 р. : [389] Collection home page


У книзі зібрано матеріали конференції, присвяченої науково-технічним проблемам у галузі радіоелектроніки,телекомунікацій та комп’ютерної інженерії. Видання призначене для науковців, інженерів та аспірантів.

Сучасні проблеми радіоелектроніки, телекомунікацій, комп'ютерної інженерії : матеріали XІ Міжнародної конференції TCSET'2012, присвяченої 60-річчю заснування радіотехнічного факультету у Львівській політехніці, 21-24 лютого 2012 року, Львів, Славське, Україна / Міністерство освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України, Національний університет "Львівська політехніка". – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2012. – 552 с.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 389
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)PreviewTypeIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Phase jitter estimation in radio channels of telecommunication systemsBortnik, Gennadiy; Vasylkivskyj, MikolaArticle2012Phase jitter estimation in radio channels of telecommunication systemsBortnik, Gennadiy; Vasylkivskyj, Mikola
2012Estimations of services quality telecommunication networks given the degree of satisfaction of customer requirementsMurray, OleksandraArticle2012Estimations of services quality telecommunication networks given the degree of satisfaction of customer requirementsMurray, Oleksandra
2012Improving noise immunity of QPSK demodulation of signals in digital satellite communication systemsBoiko, Juliy; Stetsiuk, Victor; Michan, VictorArticle2012Improving noise immunity of QPSK demodulation of signals in digital satellite communication systemsBoiko, Juliy; Stetsiuk, Victor; Michan, Victor
2012Renormalization the tensor model of the info-communication networkTikhonov, VictorArticle2012Renormalization the tensor model of the info-communication networkTikhonov, Victor
2012The researching and modeling of structures of mobile networks for providing of multiservice radio accessKlymash, Mychailo; Savchuk, Roman; Pozdnyakov, Pavel; Beshley, MykolaArticle2012The researching and modeling of structures of mobile networks for providing of multiservice radio accessKlymash, Mychailo; Savchuk, Roman; Pozdnyakov, Pavel; Beshley, Mykola
2012Two-index mathematical model of channels distribution in multichannel mesh networks 802.11Lemeshko, Alexandr; Garkusha, Sergey; Abed, Ahmed HassanArticle2012Two-index mathematical model of channels distribution in multichannel mesh networks 802.11Lemeshko, Alexandr; Garkusha, Sergey; Abed, Ahmed Hassan
2012Classification and analysis of methods of the distribution channels in multichannel mesh networks IEEE 802.11Garkusha, Sergey; Ievdokymenko, MarynaArticle2012Classification and analysis of methods of the distribution channels in multichannel mesh networks IEEE 802.11Garkusha, Sergey; Ievdokymenko, Maryna
2012Gaussian wiretap channel with collaborative wiretappersVoloshynovskiy, Svyatoslav; Holotyak, Taras; Prudyus, IvanArticle2012Gaussian wiretap channel with collaborative wiretappersVoloshynovskiy, Svyatoslav; Holotyak, Taras; Prudyus, Ivan
2012Information security of time-controlled signals in confidential communication systemsZakharchenko, Nicolay; Korchinsky, Vladimir; Radzimovsky, BronislavArticle2012Information security of time-controlled signals in confidential communication systemsZakharchenko, Nicolay; Korchinsky, Vladimir; Radzimovsky, Bronislav
2012Decision-making support system for light petroleum products traffic and transport managementGromov, Vasilii; Kuznetsov, KonstantinArticle2012Decision-making support system for light petroleum products traffic and transport managementGromov, Vasilii; Kuznetsov, Konstantin
2012Channel errors and comparison uncertainties of time standards with signals of geostationary satellitesKoval, Yury; Pryimak, Viacheslav; Husein, AkramArticle2012Channel errors and comparison uncertainties of time standards with signals of geostationary satellitesKoval, Yury; Pryimak, Viacheslav; Husein, Akram
2012Estimation of a required size of a buffer of telecommunication equipment at serving fractal trafficRozdimakha, Eugene; Omelchenko, Anatoly; Fedorov, AlexeyArticle2012Estimation of a required size of a buffer of telecommunication equipment at serving fractal trafficRozdimakha, Eugene; Omelchenko, Anatoly; Fedorov, Alexey
2012Fault detection of system level SoC modelHahanov, Vladimir; Litvinova, Eugenia; Hahanova, Yulia; Gharibi, WajebArticle2012Fault detection of system level SoC modelHahanov, Vladimir; Litvinova, Eugenia; Hahanova, Yulia; Gharibi, Wajeb
2012The service-oriented internetLuntovskyy, Andriy; Klymash, MykhayloArticle2012The service-oriented internetLuntovskyy, Andriy; Klymash, Mykhaylo
2012Perspectives of significant improving of noise immunity in modern cellular communicationsBondarev, Andriy; Maksymiv, IvanArticle2012Perspectives of significant improving of noise immunity in modern cellular communicationsBondarev, Andriy; Maksymiv, Ivan
2012The basis of new approach of providing high carrying capacity of covert communication channelКоbоzеvа, A. A.; Alfaludji, S.Article2012The basis of new approach of providing high carrying capacity of covert communication channelКоbоzеvа, A. A.; Alfaludji, S.
2012Method for detecting errors in logic operation of telecommunication protocolsDuravkin, E. V.; Tkacheva, E. B.; Saied, Halawa FawazArticle2012Method for detecting errors in logic operation of telecommunication protocolsDuravkin, E. V.; Tkacheva, E. B.; Saied, Halawa Fawaz
2012Comparative analysis of blind methods for additive noise variance evaluation in imagesAbramova, Victoriya; Abramov, Sergey; Lukin, Vladimir; Zelensky, AlexanderArticle2012Comparative analysis of blind methods for additive noise variance evaluation in imagesAbramova, Victoriya; Abramov, Sergey; Lukin, Vladimir; Zelensky, Alexander
2012Method of temperature measurements for fragment of microobjectLubinecka, Bogdana; Pedan, AnatoliyArticle2012Method of temperature measurements for fragment of microobjectLubinecka, Bogdana; Pedan, Anatoliy
2012Convergence of stochastic optimization procedure for adequacy criteria of testingChabanyuk, Ya. M.; Fedasyuk, D. V.; Seniv, М. М.; Khimka, U. T.Article2012Convergence of stochastic optimization procedure for adequacy criteria of testingChabanyuk, Ya. M.; Fedasyuk, D. V.; Seniv, М. М.; Khimka, U. T.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 389