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Browsing by Subject vapor-liquid equilibrium

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)PreviewTypeIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20-Jan-2018Thermodynamic properties of butyl methacrylate solutions in organic solventsSerheyev, Valentyn; Thanh, Tran Van; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityArticle20-Jan-2018Thermodynamic properties of butyl methacrylate solutions in organic solventsSerheyev, Valentyn; Thanh, Tran Van
2015Thermodynamic properties of solutions of ethacrylic acid in acetonitrile and acetic acidSerheyev, Valentyn; Kos, Yuriy; Van-Chin-Syan, YuriyArticle2015Thermodynamic properties of solutions of ethacrylic acid in acetonitrile and acetic acidSerheyev, Valentyn; Kos, Yuriy; Van-Chin-Syan, Yuriy
2011Thermodynamic properties of solutions of the acrylic acid in 1,2-dichloroethane and acetic acidSerheyev, Valentyn; Kos, Yuri; Van-Chin-Syan, YuriArticle2011Thermodynamic properties of solutions of the acrylic acid in 1,2-dichloroethane and acetic acidSerheyev, Valentyn; Kos, Yuri; Van-Chin-Syan, Yuri
2014Рівновага рідина – пара в системі ацетонітрил – ізобутилметакрилат за атмосферного тискуСергеєв, В. В.; Чан Ван, Тхань; Ван-Чин-Сян, Ю. Я.Article2014Рівновага рідина – пара в системі ацетонітрил – ізобутилметакрилат за атмосферного тискуСергеєв, В. В.; Чан Ван, Тхань; Ван-Чин-Сян, Ю. Я.