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Showing results 1 to 10 of 75
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)PreviewTypeIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011About one approach to monitoring of Interconnected Power System operational condition parametersKyrylenko, Oleksandr; Butkevych, Oleksandr; Chyzhevskyi, VolodymyrArticle2011About one approach to monitoring of Interconnected Power System operational condition parametersKyrylenko, Oleksandr; Butkevych, Oleksandr; Chyzhevskyi, Volodymyr
3-Dec-2017Cyber-physical system of parking lot operationSalo, Andriy; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityArticle3-Dec-2017Cyber-physical system of parking lot operationSalo, Andriy
2013Definition of the operated reinforced concrete structures conditionSavytskyi, Aleksandr; Shevchenko, TatyanaArticle2013Definition of the operated reinforced concrete structures conditionSavytskyi, Aleksandr; Shevchenko, Tatyana
12-Nov-2017Distributed system for monitoring and forecasting of water bodies qualitySanginova, Olga; Bondarenko, Sergii; Andriiuk, Valentyna; Kraieva, Kateryna; Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic InstituteArticle12-Nov-2017Distributed system for monitoring and forecasting of water bodies qualitySanginova, Olga; Bondarenko, Sergii; Andriiuk, Valentyna; Kraieva, Kateryna
12-Nov-2017Distributed system for monitoring and forecasting of water bodies qualitySanginova, Olga; Bondarenko, Sergii; Andriiuk, Valentyna; Kraieva, Kateryna; Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic InstituteArticle12-Nov-2017Distributed system for monitoring and forecasting of water bodies qualitySanginova, Olga; Bondarenko, Sergii; Andriiuk, Valentyna; Kraieva, Kateryna
19-Mar-2017Dynamic monitoring of the historic centre buildings for a solar elements arrangement (using the example of Chernivtsi)Шулдан, Лариса; Аль-Ахммаді, С. А.; Shuldan, Larysa; Al-Ahmmadi, S. A.; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityArticle19-Mar-2017Dynamic monitoring of the historic centre buildings for a solar elements arrangement (using the example of Chernivtsi)Шулдан, Лариса; Аль-Ахммаді, С. А.; Shuldan, Larysa; Al-Ahmmadi, S. A.
26-Feb-2018Ecological and genetic monitoring of the agro-and biodiversity of the coastal zone of Western GeorgiaBaratashvili, David; Batumi Shota Rustaveli State UniversityArticle26-Feb-2018Ecological and genetic monitoring of the agro-and biodiversity of the coastal zone of Western GeorgiaBaratashvili, David
26-Feb-2018Effective methods of approximation and prognostication of settling engineering buildingsБаран, П.; Baran, P.; Івано-Франківський національний технічний університет нафти і газу; Ivano-Frankivsk national technical university of oil and gasArticle26-Feb-2018Effective methods of approximation and prognostication of settling engineering buildingsБаран, П.; Baran, P.
2014Evaluation of possibilities and prospects of investment activities in Lviv regionKulinich, T. V.Article2014Evaluation of possibilities and prospects of investment activities in Lviv regionKulinich, T. V.
22-Nov-2018Fluorescent monitoring of phytomelirants of man-made landscapes of the Yavoriv mining industry districtHrechanyk, Ruslan; Mokryy, Volodymyr; Moroz, Oleksandr; Petrushka, Ihor; Kravtsiv, Rostyslav; Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of Lviv Regional State Administration; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityConference Abstract22-Nov-2018Fluorescent monitoring of phytomelirants of man-made landscapes of the Yavoriv mining industry districtHrechanyk, Ruslan; Mokryy, Volodymyr; Moroz, Oleksandr; Petrushka, Ihor; Kravtsiv, Rostyslav