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Browsing by Subject analysis and prediction methods of the theory of chaos

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Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)PreviewTypeIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Analysis and forecast of the environmental radioactivity dynamics based on the methods of chaos theory: general conceptionsGlushkov, Alexander; Safranov, Timur; Khetselius, Olga; Ignatenko, Anna; Buyadzhi, Vasily; Svinarenko, AndreyArticle2016Analysis and forecast of the environmental radioactivity dynamics based on the methods of chaos theory: general conceptionsGlushkov, Alexander; Safranov, Timur; Khetselius, Olga; Ignatenko, Anna; Buyadzhi, Vasily; Svinarenko, Andrey
8-Sep-2017Modeling evolutionary dynamics of complex ecosystems using combined chaos theory and neural networks methods: I. Formal theoretical basis for application to environmental radioactivity dynamicsGlushkov, Alexander; Khetselius, Olga; Safranov, Tamerlan; Buyadzhi, Vasily; Ignatenko, Anna; Svinarenko, Andrey; Odessa State Environmental UniversityArticle8-Sep-2017Modeling evolutionary dynamics of complex ecosystems using combined chaos theory and neural networks methods: I. Formal theoretical basis for application to environmental radioactivity dynamicsGlushkov, Alexander; Khetselius, Olga; Safranov, Tamerlan; Buyadzhi, Vasily; Ignatenko, Anna; Svinarenko, Andrey