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Browsing by Author Zakharia, Yosyp

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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)PreviewTypeIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Algorithms for complete analysis of VHF transmission lines junction twoport with vibrator-type exciterZakharia, YosypArticle2012Algorithms for complete analysis of VHF transmission lines junction twoport with vibrator-type exciterZakharia, Yosyp
2010Current density distribution on the perimeter of waveguide exciter cylindrical vibrator conductorZakharia, YosypArticle2010Current density distribution on the perimeter of waveguide exciter cylindrical vibrator conductorZakharia, Yosyp
2012Distribution of current density on the perimeter of a cylindrical conductor of a waveguide’s vibroexciterZakharia, YosypArticle2012Distribution of current density on the perimeter of a cylindrical conductor of a waveguide’s vibroexciterZakharia, Yosyp