| 26-Feb-2019 | Wood wastes utilization of the Pokuttia–Bukovyna Carpathians as the result of introduction of improved production technology of fuel briquettes | Masikevych, Andriy; Kolotylo, Mykhailo; Bat, Roman; Masikevych, Yuri; Malovanyy, Myroslav; Atamanyuk, Volodymyr; Petrushka, Kateryna; Bukovinian State Medical University; National Natural Park “Vizhnitsky”; Lvivskyy Beton; Lviv Polytechnic National University | | Article | 26-Feb-2019 | Wood wastes utilization of the Pokuttia–Bukovyna Carpathians as the result of introduction of improved production technology of fuel briquettes | Masikevych, Andriy; Kolotylo, Mykhailo; Bat, Roman; Masikevych, Yuri; Malovanyy, Myroslav; Atamanyuk, Volodymyr; Petrushka, Kateryna |