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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)PreviewTypeIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2001Approaches to engineering databasesKernytskyy, A.; LoburM., М.; Wrоbel, J.Article2001Approaches to engineering databasesKernytskyy, A.; LoburM., М.; Wrоbel, J.
2014Optimization of microelectric actuator design using golden section search to get the defined output characteristicsMelnyk, M.; Kernytskyy, A.; Lobur, M.; Zajac, P.; Szermer, M.; Maj, C.; Zabierowski, W.Article2014Optimization of microelectric actuator design using golden section search to get the defined output characteristicsMelnyk, M.; Kernytskyy, A.; Lobur, M.; Zajac, P.; Szermer, M.; Maj, C.; Zabierowski, W.
2013Parallelization computations during simulation of mechanical components of mems-based diakoptical approachKarkulovskyi, B.; Karkulovskyy, V.; Kernytskyy, A.; Pukshyn, O.Article2013Parallelization computations during simulation of mechanical components of mems-based diakoptical approachKarkulovskyi, B.; Karkulovskyy, V.; Kernytskyy, A.; Pukshyn, O.
27-Mar-2001Production data management system for small electromechanic enterpriseKernytskyy, A.; Lobur, M.; Wrobel, J.; Національний університет "Львівська політехніка"Article27-Mar-2001Production data management system for small electromechanic enterpriseKernytskyy, A.; Lobur, M.; Wrobel, J.