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Browsing by Author Iwanowski, P.

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2009Crystal growth and structure characterization of rare earth double tungstateIwanowski, P.; Domukhovski, V.; Berkowski, M.article2009Crystal growth and structure characterization of rare earth double tungstateIwanowski, P.; Domukhovski, V.; Berkowski, M.
29-May-2017Electric Transport Properties of Sn-Dopped Bi2Te2Se Topological InsulatorsIwanowski, P.; Hruban, A.; Piotrowski, K.; Diduszko, R.; Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Al. Lotników 32/46, 02-668 Warsaw, Poland; Tele and Radio Research Institute, Ratuszowa 11, 03-450 Warsaw, PolandConference Abstract29-May-2017Electric Transport Properties of Sn-Dopped Bi2Te2Se Topological InsulatorsIwanowski, P.; Hruban, A.; Piotrowski, K.; Diduszko, R.