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2012Development of CdWO4 crystal scintillators from enriched Isotopes for 2β-Decay experimentsBarabash, A. S.; Belli, P.; Bernabei, R.; Boiko, R. S.; Brudanin, V. B.; Cappella, F.; Caracciolo, V.; Cerulli, R.; Chernyak, D. M.; Danevich, F. A.; d'Angelo, S.; Degoda, V. Ya.; Di Vacri, M. L.; Dossovitskiy, A. E.; Galashov, E. N.; Incicchitti, A.; Kobychev, V. V.; Konovalov, S. I.; Kovtun, G. P.; Laubenstein, M.; Mikhlin, A. L.; Mokina, V. M.; Nikolaiko, S.; Nisi, S.; Poda, D. V.; Podviyanuk, R. B.; Polischuk, O. G.; Shcherban, O. P.; Shlegel, V. N.; Solopikhin, D. A.; Tretyak, V.; Umatov, V.; Vasiliev, V. Ya V.; Virich, V. D.Article2012Development of CdWO4 crystal scintillators from enriched Isotopes for 2β-Decay experimentsBarabash, A. S.; Belli, P.; Bernabei, R.; Boiko, R. S.; Brudanin, V. B.; Cappella, F.; Caracciolo, V.; Cerulli, R.; Chernyak, D. M.; Danevich, F. A.; d'Angelo, S.; Degoda, V. Ya.; Di Vacri, M. L.; Dossovitskiy, A. E.; Galashov, E. N.; Incicchitti, A.; Kobychev, V. V.; Konovalov, S. I.; Kovtun, G. P.; Laubenstein, M.; Mikhlin, A. L.; Mokina, V. M.; Nikolaiko, S.; Nisi, S.; Poda, D. V.; Podviyanuk, R. B.; Polischuk, O. G.; Shcherban, O. P.; Shlegel, V. N.; Solopikhin, D. A.; Tretyak, V.; Umatov, V.; Vasiliev, V. Ya V.; Virich, V. D.
29-May-2017Investigation of Double Beta Decay of 116Cd with the Help of Enriched 116CdWO4 Crystal ScintillatorsPolischuk, O. G.; Barabash, A. S.; Belli, P.; Bernabei, R.; Cappella, F.; Caracciolo, V.; Cerulli, R.; Chernyak, D. M.; Danevich, F. A.; d’Angelo, S.; Incicchitti, A.; Kasperovych, D. V.; Kobychev, V. V.; Konovalov, S. I.; Laubenstein, M.; Mokina, V. M.; Poda, D. V.; Shlege, V. N.; Tretyak, V. I.; Umatov, V. I.; Vasiliev, Ya. V.; Institute for Nuclear Research, Kyiv, Ukraine; NRC "Kurchatov Institute", Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow, Russia; Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Rome, Italy; INFN sezione Roma “Tor Vergata”, Rome, Italy; INFN, sezione di Roma, Rome, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy; INFN, Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Assergi (AQ), Italy; Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU); The University of Tokyo, Japan; CSNSM, Univ. Paris-Sud, CNRS/IN2P3, Universite Paris-Saclay, Orsay, France; Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Novosibirsk, Russia deceasedConference Abstract29-May-2017Investigation of Double Beta Decay of 116Cd with the Help of Enriched 116CdWO4 Crystal ScintillatorsPolischuk, O. G.; Barabash, A. S.; Belli, P.; Bernabei, R.; Cappella, F.; Caracciolo, V.; Cerulli, R.; Chernyak, D. M.; Danevich, F. A.; d’Angelo, S.; Incicchitti, A.; Kasperovych, D. V.; Kobychev, V. V.; Konovalov, S. I.; Laubenstein, M.; Mokina, V. M.; Poda, D. V.; Shlege, V. N.; Tretyak, V. I.; Umatov, V. I.; Vasiliev, Ya. V.
2009The anisotropy of scintillation characteristics of CaMoO4Solskii, I.; Chernyak, D. M.; Danevich, F. A.; Luchechko, A.; Podviyanuk, R. B.; Stryganyuk, G.; Zakharko, Ya.article2009The anisotropy of scintillation characteristics of CaMoO4Solskii, I.; Chernyak, D. M.; Danevich, F. A.; Luchechko, A.; Podviyanuk, R. B.; Stryganyuk, G.; Zakharko, Ya.